CA Brand Affiliate Agreement
Effective July 23rd 2024
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- be self-employed, and determine in my sole discretion, when I work and the number of hours I work; be paid Bonuses based on purchases and sales and not the number of hours that I work
- be subject to entrepreneurial risk and responsible for all losses that I incur as a Brand Affiliate;
- obtain a social insurance;
- pay my own license fees and any insurance premiums;
- be responsible for all costs of my business including, but not limited to, travel, entertainment, office, clerical, legal, equipment, accounting, and general expenses, without advances, reimbursement, or guarantee from Nu Skin;
- not be treated as an employee for federal or provincial tax purposes; and
- pay any self-employment taxes required by federal, provincial, and local laws, statutes, and regulations.
CA Conditions d'utilisation du site Web (fr)
Effective July 31st 2024
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- Vous et Nu Skin reconnaissez tous deux que les présentes conditions sont conclues entre vous et Nu Skin uniquement, et non avec Apple Inc. (« Apple »), et qu’entre Nu Skin et Apple, et que Nu Skin et ses fournisseurs tiers, le cas échéant, et non Apple, sont les seuls responsables du logiciel compatible Apple et de son contenu. 		
- Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le logiciel compatible Apple d’une manière qui soit en violation ou en contradiction avec les règles d’utilisation énoncées pour ce logiciel dans les conditions d’utilisation de l’App Store, ou qui soit en conflit avec celles-ci. 		
- Votre licence d’utilisation du logiciel compatible Apple est limitée à une licence non transférable d’utilisation de ce logiciel sur un produit fonctionnant avec le système d’exploitation mobile (iOS) que vous possédez ou contrôlez, comme le permettent les règles d’utilisation énoncées dans les conditions d’utilisation de l’App Store. 		
- Apple n’a aucune obligation, quelle qu’elle soit, de fournir des services de maintenance ou d’assistance en ce qui concerne le logiciel compatible Apple. 		
- Apple n’est responsable d’aucune garantie de produit, qu’elle soit expresse ou implicite par la loi. En cas de non-conformité du logiciel compatible Apple à une quelconque garantie applicable, vous pouvez en informer Apple, qui vous remboursera le prix d’achat du logiciel compatible Apple, le cas échéant; et, dans la mesure maximale autorisée par la loi applicable, Apple n’aura aucune autre obligation de garantie concernant ce logiciel, ni aucune autre réclamation, perte, responsabilité, dommage, coût ou dépense attribuable à un défaut de conformité à une quelconque garantie, qui relèvera de la seule responsabilité de Nu Skin et de ses fournisseurs tiers, le cas échéant, dans la mesure où la loi applicable ne permet pas de s’en exonérer. 		
- Vous et Nu Skin reconnaissez chacun que Nu Skin et ses fournisseurs tiers, le cas échéant, et non Apple, sont responsables du traitement de toute réclamation de votre part ou de celle d’un tiers concernant le logiciel compatible Apple ou votre possession et/ou utilisation de ce logiciel, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les éléments suivants : (i) les réclamations relatives à la responsabilité du fait des produits; (ii) toute réclamation selon laquelle le logiciel compatible avec Apple ne serait pas conforme à une exigence légale ou réglementaire applicable; et (iii) les réclamations découlant de la protection des consommateurs ou d’une législation similaire. 		
- En cas de plainte d’un tiers selon laquelle le logiciel compatible Apple ou la possession et l’utilisation par l’utilisateur de ce logiciel enfreint les droits de propriété intellectuelle de ce tiers, Nu Skin et ses fournisseurs tiers, le cas échéant, et non Apple, seront les seuls responsables de l’enquête, de la défense, du règlement et de l’acquittement d’une telle plainte pour violation de propriété intellectuelle. 		
- Vous déclarez et garantissez que (i) vous n’êtes pas situé dans un pays faisant l’objet d’un embargo de la part du gouvernement des États-Unis, ou qui a été désigné par le gouvernement des États-Unis comme un pays « soutenant le terrorisme »; et (ii) vous ne figurez sur aucune liste de parties interdites ou restreintes du gouvernement des États-Unis. 		
- Si vous avez des questions, des plaintes ou des réclamations concernant le logiciel compatible Apple, elles doivent être adressées à Nu Skin comme suit : 	
- une signature électronique ou physique d’une personne autorisée à agir au nom du propriétaire des droits d’auteur prétendument violés; 		
- une description de l’œuvre protégée par des droits d’auteur qui ont prétendument été violés, y compris une copie de l’œuvre protégée par des droits d’auteur ou l’adresse de la page Web où l’œuvre protégée par des droits d’auteur peut être trouvée; 		
- l’identification de l’emplacement dans les Services Nu Skin du matériel dont vous affirmez que les droits d’auteur ont été violés, ou le lien ou la référence à un autre site Web qui contient le matériel dont vous affirmez que les droits d’auteur ont été violés; 		
- votre nom, votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse de courriel; 		
- une déclaration de votre part indiquant que vous estimez de bonne foi que l’utilisation contestée du matériel en question n’est pas autorisée par le propriétaire des droits d’auteur, l’agent du propriétaire des droits d’auteur ou la loi; 		
- une déclaration de votre part, sous peine de parjure, indiquant que les renseignements contenus dans cet avis sont exacts et que vous êtes le propriétaire des droits d’auteur qui ont été prétendument violés ou que vous êtes autorisé à agir au nom du titulaire des droits d’auteur. 	
CA Member Agreement
Effective July 31st 2024
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CA Policies & Procedures (en)
Effective August 1st 2024
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Chapter 1 | Your Brand Affiliate Account
- your Brand Affiliate Account is considered a second account separate from your parent or legal guardian’s account; 		
- your parent or legal guardian must be your Sponsor; and 		
- your parent or legal guardian cannot have any Beneficial Interest in your Brand Affiliate Account. 	
					 Account type during the 24 months preceding the most recent Business Activity 				 | 									 Inactive Period 				 | 			
					 If you ever achieved Brand Representative or higher 				 | 									 12 months 				 | 			
					 Brand Affiliate only 				 | 									 6 months 				 | 			
	Chapter 2 | Operating Your Business
- You must comply with the Contract and with applicable law. 		
- You must operate your Brand Affiliate Account honestly. 		
- You should indicate to prospective customers and Brand Affiliates who you are, why you have contacted them, and what Products you are selling. 		
- You may not make false or misleading claims about potential earnings under the Sales Compensation Plan or about the benefits of using the Company’s Products. 		
- You may not pressure any Brand Affiliates or prospective Brand Affiliates to operate in a financially irresponsible way, including, but not limited to, pressuring them to buy more Products or Business Support Materials and Services than they can reasonably use or sell, or to maintain specific inventory requirements. 		
- You must not encourage or recommend that Brand Affiliates or prospective Brand Affiliates incur debt in order to participate in the business. 		
- You must explain how to return Products or cancel an order. 		
- You must not represent to prospective Brand Affiliates that they are required to purchase Products or Product packages to become Brand Affiliates or to become Brand Representatives. Prospective Brand Affiliates must be informed that they can sign up as customers or that they may purchase Products individually and not in Product packages. 	
- the Company; 		
- its Products, or commercial activities; 		
- other Persons; 		
- other companies (including competitors); or 		
- other companies’ products, services, or commercial activities. 	
- register or reserve Company names, trademarks, trade names or Products; 		
- register URLs using the Company names, trademarks or trade names; 		
- register or secure approval for Products or business practices; or 		
- establish business or governmental contacts of any kind on the Company’s behalf. 	
	Chapter 3 | Advertising
- In the white pages the advertisement is to be limited to two lines containing the words “Pharmanex (or “Nu Skin”) Independent Brand Affiliate, John Doe (your name),” and a telephone number. Neither bold print nor display advertisements are allowed. The advertisement must be in the Brand Affiliate’s name only. 		
- In the yellow pages the advertisement must be placed under the category of “Nutrition” or another Company approved category. 	
- All pricing must be in accordance to Chapter Section . 		
- You must know and comply with all the current rules and conditions that the Company has published in the Social Selling Guidelines 	
	Chapter 4 | Sponsoring
	Chapter 5 | Restrictive Covenants
- Disclose any Confidential Information related to or contained in the Network to any third party directly or indirectly; 		
- Disclose, directly or indirectly, the password or other access code to the Network; 		
- Use the Confidential Information to compete with the Company, or for any purpose other than promoting the Company; 		
- Solicit any Brand Affiliate or customer of the Company or of the Network, or in any manner attempt to influence or induce any Brand Affiliate or customer of the Company, to alter their business relationship with the Company; 		
- Use or disclose to any Person any Confidential Information related to or contained in the Network that was obtained while your Brand Affiliate Agreement was in effect; or 		
- Recruit or attempt to recruit an existing Brand Affiliate for another Direct Sales Company. 		
- Upon non-renewal, resignation or termination of your Brand Affiliate Account, you will promptly destroy or return to the Company all Confidential Information. The obligations of this Section 2.3 will survive the termination or expiration of the Brand Affiliate Agreement. 	
Chapter 6 | Enforcement of Contract
	Chapter 7 | Arbitration
	Chapter 8 | General Terms
	Addendum A - Glossary of Defined Terms
Addendum B - Policies for Blue Diamond Director Business Support Materials and Services
- Company or Blue Diamond Director Business Support Materials and Services are required or necessary to join or succeed in the business; 		
- Company or Blue Diamond Director Business Support Materials and Services are required or necessary to receive upline support and training; 		
- the Blue Diamond Director Business Support Materials and Services were produced by the Company or are being offered or sold by the Company; or 		
- the Company approves, endorses, or recommends the Blue Diamond Director Business Support Materials and Services. 	
CA Refund Policy (en)
Effective July 24th 2024
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Brand Affiliates
Additional Details
CA Sales Compensation Plan (en)
Effective October 22nd 2024
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Supercharge Your Future
- CUSTOMERS 			 			
- FLEX POINTS 			 		
- EXCEPTIONS 			 			
- COMPLIANCE 			 			
The Nu Skin Sales Performance Plan (“this Plan”) is designed to reward you, as a Brand Affiliate, for:
Selling our Products to your Direct Customers;
Growing Brand Affiliates who share our Products with their Direct Customers; Building and developing your Group of Brand Affiliates and Customers; and
Leading other Brand Representatives as they build and develop their own Groups.
This Sales Performance Plan sets forth the terms and conditions for the sales compensation you can receive through this Plan. We encourage you to carefully read this Plan and refer to the Glossary for definitions of capitalized terms.
Generating compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort, and dedication. Success will also depend upon your skills, talents, and leadership abilities. There is no guarantee of financial success, and results will vary widely among participants. In 2023, the average monthly sales compensation paid to Active Brand Affiliates in the United States was $196. On average, approximately 19.27% of U.S. Active Brand Affiliates earned sales compensation in a given month. Please see for a summary of sales compensation paid at all levels within the Nu Skin Sales Performance Plan and for a definition of “Active Brand Affiliates”.
You must be a Brand Representative and meet certain sales and other requirements to receive a Building Bonus. In the United States, the typical Building Bonus paid monthly to all Brand Representatives was $273 and it was $467 for Brand Representatives who completed 2,000+ Group Sales Volume in a month.Approximately 7.8% of Brand Affiliates achieved a Building Bonus in 2023.
You must be a Brand Representative and meet certain sales and other requirements to receive a Leading Bonus. In the United States, the typical Leading Bonus paid monthly to all Brand Representatives was $553 and it was $831 for Brand Representatives who completed 3,000+ Group Sales Volume in a month.
There are four ways you can participate under the Plan:
As a Brand Affiliate, you can (1) purchase Products at the Member Price for resale or personal consumption; (2) register Customers who purchase Products directly from Nu Skin; (3) register Brand Affiliates who sell Products; and (4) elect to qualify as a Brand Representative. To remain a Brand Affiliate, you must have 50 Direct Customer Sales Volume within the most recent six months or contact Nu Skin to request additional time to achieve this requirement. Otherwise, you will lose your status as a Brand Affiliate and your Sales Network will move to the Brand Affiliate directly above you. You can keep your ability to purchase Products at Member Price by creating a new Member account. To become a Brand Affiliate again, you can submit a new Brand Affiliate Agreement.
As a Brand Affiliate, you can access increasing benefits as you advance in Title:
Brand Representatives are Brand Affiliates who have successfully completed Brand Representative Qualification and have not lost their Brand Representative status.
Brand Partners are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading 1–3 Leadership Teams who achieve requisite Leadership Team Sales Volume.
Brand Directors are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading four or more Leadership Teams who achieve requisite Leadership Team Sales Volume.
You can elect to qualify as a Brand Representative when you join Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate or anytime thereafter.
Customers do not participate in this Plan, cannot resell Products, and cannot register other Customers or Brand Affiliates. There are three types of Customers:
Unregistered Customers purchase Products directly from a Brand Affiliate at the price offered by the Brand Affiliate.
Retail Customers purchase Products directly through Nu Skin Systems at the published retail price, subject to any discounts that may be offered by or facilitated by Nu Skin.
Members sign up to purchase Products from Nu Skin at the Member Price.
Retail Customers and Members who have not completed a purchase within the last 24 months will have their Customer account disabled and must register a new account to purchase again.
You can receive the following Bonuses based on your participation level:
				 			 | 							 BRAND AFFILIATES 			 | 							 BRAND REPRESENTATIVES 			 | 							 BRAND PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS 			 | 		
				 Selling Bonus and 				Retailing Bonus 			 | 							 | 							 | 							 | 		
				 Affiliate Referring Bonus 			 | 							 | 							 | 							 | 		
				 Building Bonus 			 | 							 			 | 							 | 							 | 		
				 Leading Bonus 			 | 							 			 | 							 			 | 							 | 		
You’ll earn a Selling Bonus when your Direct Customers purchase eligible Products through Nu Skin Systems. This Bonus ranges from 4% to 20% of the Product’s Net Sales Price depending on your total Direct Customer Sales Volume for the month.
Here are a few key terms to understand:
Net Sales Price: The price paid for Products, not including retail markup, tax, and shipping.
Sales Volume: A non-currency value set for each Product used to quantify Product sales, which is aggregated to measure eligibility for various performance benchmarks as well as Bonus percentage determination.
Direct Customer: A Member or Retail Customer to whom a Brand Affiliate directly sells Products through Nu Skin Systems, and Customers who purchase products directly from a Brand Affiliate through eligible Drop Ship Orders. A Member is the Direct Customer of the Brand Affiliate who enrolled them. When a Retail Customer purchases Products through Nu Skin Systems, the Brand Affiliate who sold them the Product is credited for that sale. A Brand Affiliate is not considered a Direct Customer.
Nu Skin Systems: Any process, application, or other digital property within Nu Skin’s digital ecosystem designated by Nu Skin for the purchase or sale of Nu Skin Products, including Nu Skin Vera, Nu Skin Stela,, MySite, Personal Offer Tool, or any other Nu Skin approved platform.
Direct Customer Sales Volume (DC-SV): The sum of all Product Sales Volume from purchases by your Direct Customers.
B. Selling Bonus Calculation
- What You Do: Sell Products to your Direct Customers. 	
- What You Get: Earn 4% to 20% of the Net Sales Price on your Direct Customer Sales Volume. Your Selling Bonus percentage is determined by your Direct Customer Sales Volume in the current month. Your Selling Bonus scales to 20%, as follows in Table 2.A:
				 WHAT YOU DO 			 | 							 WHAT YOU GET 			 | 		
				 Sell Products to your Direct Customers 			 | 							 4–20% Selling Bonus				 				Paid on the Net Sales Price of your total monthly product sales to your Direct Customers 			 | 		
				 0–499 DC-SV 			 | 							 4% 			 | 		
				 500–2,499 DC-SV 			 | 							 8% 			 | 		
				 2,500–9,999 DC-SV 			 | 							 12% 			 | 		
				 10,000+ DC-SV 			 | 							 20% 			 | 		
The Retailing Bonus compensates you for Product purchases by your Retail Customers. When you sell Products to Retail Customers via Nu Skin Systems for more than the Member Price, you’ll earn a Retailing Bonus on top of your Selling Bonus.
- What You Do: Sell Products above Member Price to your Retail Customers. 	
- What You Get: Your Retailing Bonus is the difference between (1) the price paid by your Retail Customers after any discounts (excluding shipping costs, taxes, and other promotional or personal discounts) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price.
E. Daily Pay Calculation
Each day, we will calculate Retailing Bonuses and a 4% Selling Bonus for your Product sales and add it to your Nu Skin Bonus Account. Any additional Selling Bonus percentages you qualify for will be calculated and added to your Nu Skin Bonus Account at the end of each defined weekly period. To release any payments to your financial institution, you can use the Pay Me Now feature in the Nu Skin Stela app or in your account anytime. All pending payments will also be automatically released to your financial institution at the completion of each weekly commission calculation (subject to market-specific minimum balance requirements).
F. Eligibility	
Only Brand Affiliates in good standing are eligible to receive Selling or Retailing Bonuses.
You’ll earn an Affiliate Referring Bonus that ranges from 4% to 24% of your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales as you grow your Direct Customer Sales Volume and help your Brand Affiliates develop their Direct Customer Sales Volume.
Here is a key term to understand:
Personally Registered Affiliate Sales: The Product sales made by your Personally Registered Brand Affiliates, calculated by summing the Net Sales Price of Products sold to their Direct Customers.
- What You Do: Each month, achieve at least 250 Direct Customer Sales Volume and help your Personally Registered Brand Affiliates develop their Direct Customer Sales Volume. 	
- What You Get: Earn between 4% and 24% of your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales. As you grow your own monthly Direct Customer Sales Volume, you’ll earn a greater percentage of your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales, as follows in Table 2.B:
				 WHAT YOU DO 				 			 | 							 WHAT YOU GET 				 			 | 		
				 Sell Products to your Direct Customers 			 | 							 4–24% Affiliate Referring Bonus				 				Paid on your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales 			 | 		
				 250–499 DC-SV 			 | 							 4% 			 | 		
				 500–2,499 DC-SV 			 | 							 12% 			 | 		
				 2,500–9,999 DC-SV 			 | 							 16% 			 | 		
				 10,000+ DC-SV 			 | 							 24% 			 | 		
We’ll pay you an Affiliate Referring Bonus for any Personally Registered Affiliate Sales newly completed through the end of each weekly period. Your Affiliate Referring Bonus will typically be recorded in your Nu Skin Bonus Account within one business day following the end of the weekly period and will automatically transfer to your financial institution (subject to market-specific minimum account balance requirements).
Only Brand Affiliates are eligible to receive an Affiliate Referring Bonus. Affiliate Referring Bonuses will not be paid on Brand Affiliate purchases. Affiliate Referring Bonus eligibility is not dependent on a Brand Affiliate’s Title. As such, if your Personally Registered Brand Affiliate becomes a Brand Representative, their Direct Customer Sales Volume will still be included in your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales calculation.
When you qualify as a Brand Representative (see Section 3), in addition to the Selling Bonus, Retailing Bonus, and Affiliate Referring Bonus, you can also earn a Building Bonus ranging from 5% to 10% of the Commissionable Sales Value on the Product purchases by Customers and Brand Affiliates in your Group. The Building Bonus compensates you monthly for building sales within your Group, providing customer service to your Group, and assisting other Brand Affiliates in the promotion of Products to their Customers.
Here are a few key terms to understand:
Commissionable Sales Value (CSV): A currency value that is set for each Product, used to calculate Building and Leading Bonuses.
Group: Your Group consists of (1) you, (2) any of your Members, Retail Customers, and Brand Affiliates, and (3) any of your Brand Affiliates’ Members, Retail Customers, and Brand Affiliates and so on. Your Group will include the Groups of your Brand Affiliates who are in Brand Representative Qualification. When your Brand Affiliates complete Brand Representative Qualification, they leave your Group and they (and their Groups) become part of your Team.
Group Sales Volume (GSV): The sum of Sales Volume from all Product purchases within your Group.
B. Building Bonus Calculation
- What You Do: As a Brand Representative, achieve at least 2,000 Group Sales Volume (including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume) in a month by selling Products to your Customers and helping your Brand Affiliates do the same. 	
- What You Get: The Building Bonus is a percentage of the Commissionable Sales Value on your Group Sales Volume that starts at 5% and scales up to 10% based on your Group Sales Volume, as follows in Table 2.C:
				 WHAT YOU DO 				 			 | 							 WHAT YOU GET 			 | 		
				 Become a Brand Representative & grow your total Group Sales Volume, which must include 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume 			 | 							 5–10% Building Bonus				 				Paid on your monthly Group Commissionable Sales Value 			 | 		
				 2,000–2,999 GSV 			 | 							 5% 			 | 		
				 3,000+ GSV 			 | 							 10% 			 | 		
We calculate your Building Bonus after the end of each month. The Building Bonus is generally recorded in your Nu Skin Bonus Account within the first week of each month and a transfer is automatically initiated to your financial institution (subject to market-specific minimum account balance requirements).
Only Brand Representatives in good standing are eligible to receive a Building Bonus. If you use Flex Points to Maintain Brand Representative status or you lose your Brand Representative status, you will not be eligible for a Building Bonus that month. See Section 3.2 and 3.3.
When you qualify as a Brand Partner or Brand Director, in addition to receiving Selling, Retailing, Affiliate Referring, and Building Bonuses, you can earn a Leading Bonus of 5% of the Commissionable Sales Value generated by your Team’s Sales Volume. The Leading Bonus is based on Sales Volume and is paid, in part, for helping your Brand Affiliates qualify as Brand Representatives, and for motivating, directing, and training the Brand Representatives you directly lead in your Team, referred to as your G1 Brand Representatives (i.e., the heads of your Leadership Teams). As your G1 Brand Representatives develop into Brand Partners and Brand Directors, your role evolves, and you will now lead a Team that includes Brand Representatives on other Generations (e.g., G2, G3, etc.) as they work to develop their own Groups and increase Product sales. The Leading Bonus compensates you monthly for developing sales within your Team, providing customer service to your Team, and assisting other Brand Affiliates in the promotion of Products to their Customers.
Here are a few key terms to understand:
Team: Your Team consists of all Generations of Brand Representatives and their Groups as determined by your Title (see Table 2.D). Your Team does not include you or your Group.
Title: Titles are achieved as a Brand Representative based on your Leadership Teams and their Sales Volume. Your Title determines the number of Generations on which you can earn a Leading Bonus.
Leadership Team: Your Leadership Teams consist of your G1–G6 Brand Represen- tatives starting at each of your G1 Brand Representatives. Each one of your Leader- ship Teams is distinct and led by your individual G1 Brand Representatives, respec- tively.
Leadership Team Sales Volume (LTSV): The sum of all Sales Volume from a given Leadership Team.
- What You Do: Qualify as a Brand Partner or Brand Director, Maintain as a Brand Representative, and achieve at least 3,000 Group Sales Volume in a month. 	
- What You Get: Unlock the ability to earn 5% of the Commissionable Sales Value on the total Sales Volume of your Team. Table 2.D sets forth the Title requirements, as well as the Generations on which each Title can be paid a Leading Bonus:
				 WHAT YOU DO 				 			 | 							 WHAT YOU GET 				 			 | 		|
				 Maintain your Brand Representative status, achieve 3,000 Group Sales Volume each month, and develop Leadership Teams 			 | 							 5% Leading Bonus 				Paid on your monthly Team Commissionable Sales Value 			 | 		|
				 LEADERSHIP TEAMS 			 | 							 TITLE 			 | 							 GENERATIONS PAID 			 | 		
				 1 			 | 							 Gold Partner 			 | 							 5% on your G1 			 | 		
				 2 			 | 							 Lapis Partner 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G2 			 | 		
				 3 | 							 Ruby Partner 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G3* 			 | 		
				 4 | 							 Emerald Director 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G4* 			 | 		
				 5 1 with > 20,000 LTSV 			 | 							 Diamond Director 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G5* 			 | 		
				 6 1 with > 20,000 LTSV + 				1 with > 30,000 LTSV 			 | 							 Blue Diamond Director** 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G6* 			 | 		
*To be eligible to be paid on Generations 3–6 you must not be involved in Business Development Activities for another Direct Sales Company (not including Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. affiliated entities). See Chapter 5, Section 2 of the Nu Skin Policies and Procedures.	
**Blue Diamond Directors and Presidential Directors may qualify for a Business Builder Position and Presidential Director Business Builder Position, respectively. See Addendum D.
We calculate your Leading Bonus after the end of each month. The Leading Bonus is generally recorded in your Nu Skin Bonus Account within the first week of each month and a transfer is automatically initiated to your financial institution (subject to market- specific minimum account balance requirements).
D. Eligibility
Only Maintaining Brand Representatives are eligible to earn a Leading Bonus. If you use Flex Points to Maintain Brand Representative status or you lose your Brand Representative status, you will not be eligible for a Leading Bonus that month. See Section 3.2 and 3.3.
To qualify as a Brand Representative, you must submit a Letter of Intent and achieve 2,000 Group Sales Volume (including 500 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume) during the Brand Representative Qualification Period. You can complete Brand Representative Qualification as fast as you like (in as little as one week or as long as two months), but if you choose to qualify over a two-month period, you must achieve at least 1,000 Group Sales Volume (including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume) each month.
You can find the Letter of Intent form by signing into your account.
Your Brand Representative Qualification Period starts the calendar month in which you submit your Letter of Intent. You have until the end of the following calendar month to complete Brand Representative Qualification.
EXAMPLE: If you submit your Letter of Intent on February 25 to qualify as a Brand Representative, your Brand Representative Qualification Period would begin in February. Your Brand Representative Qualification Period would end on the earlier of:
- the date you advance to become a Brand Representative after meeting the Brand Representative Qualification Requirements (see Section 3.1A);	 	
- the end of the first month of your Brand Representative Qualification Period if you fail to satisfy the minimum required Sales Volume for your first month of Brand Representative Qualification (1,000 Group Sales Volume, including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume). In the example above, if you did not satisfy the minimum requirements in February, your Brand Representative Qualification Period would end on the last day of February; or	 	
- the end of the second calendar month after you submit your Letter of Intent and fail to meet the Brand Representative Qualification Requirements in that second month. In the example above, if you met the minimum requirements in February but not in March, your Brand Representative Qualification Period would end on the last day of March.		
When you complete the Brand Representative Qualification Requirements, you become a Brand Representative on the first day of the next weekly period (the 8th, 15th, or 22nd of that month, or on the 1st of the next month), and you are eligible to start earning a Building Bonus on newly completed Group Sales Volume thereafter. See Table 2.C. You can also start earning the Leading Bonus for all eligible Sales Volume from purchases by your Team after your Brand Representative Advancement Date.
As Brand Affiliates in your Group advance to Brand Representative, your Team and subsequent advancement may be impacted as follows.
- If someone from your Group is also in Brand Representative Qualification, they will only become part of your Team if you: (1) complete your first Brand Representative Qualification month in the same month or earlier than the month they complete their Brand Representative Qualification Requirements; and (2) finish Brand Representative Qualification within your Brand Repre- sentative Qualification Period. See Addendum A. 	
- If a Brand Affiliate in your Group completes Brand Representative Qualifi- cation prior to the timeframes noted above, they are placed in the Team of the next Brand Representative above you and you will not earn any Building or Leading Bonuses from their sales activity. However, you may still earn Affiliate Referring Bonuses from their sales activity. See Addendum A.
If you do not satisfy the Brand Representative Qualification Requirements within the Brand Representative Qualification Period, your Brand Representative Qualification will be terminated. If you want to attempt to qualify as a Brand Representative again, you will need to submit a new Letter of Intent and restart Brand Representative Qualification.
A. Maintaining or Losing Brand Representative Status
Maintenance requirements begin your first full month following the completion of your Brand Representative Qualification Requirements. See Addendum A. Your status as a Brand Representative is Maintained based on your sales performance each month.
- If you achieve at least 2,000 Group Sales Volume (including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume) in a month, you will Maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month. If you complete 2,000 Group Sales Volume in a month but not your 250 Direct Customer Sales Volume, you will not maintain your Brand Representative status for the month and will begin the next month without Brand Representative status. 	
- If you fail to achieve 2,000 Group Sales Volume but still achieve at least 500 Group Sales Volume (including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume) in a month and have sufficient Flex Points (described in Section 3.3 below) available to make up the difference in missing Group Sales Volume (e.g., 500 Group Sales Volume plus 1,500 Flex Points), your Flex Points will be applied to Maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month. Flex Points cannot be used to satisfy the 250 Direct Customer Sales Volume requirement. When Flex Points are used to Maintain your Brand Representative status, you are not eligible to earn Building or Leading Bonuses that month. 	
- If you do not meet Maintenance requirements, then you will lose your Brand Representative status and become a Brand Affiliate effective the first day of the next month. If you lose your Brand Representative status, you are not eligible to earn Building or Leading Bonuses and you lose your Sales Network, which moves up a Generation and becomes part of the Sales Networks of the Brand Representatives above you. You may regain your Sales Network through Restart. See Addendum C.
You may not Maintain your status or Title by creating false accounts, buying additional Products, or using any other form of manipulation that violates the spirit and intent of this Plan or Nu Skin’s Policies & Procedures.
Flex Points are a Group Sales Volume substitute that are used to Maintain your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 2,000 Group Sales Volume in a month. Flex Points cannot be used to satisfy the 250 Direct Customer Sales Volume requirement and you cannot use more than 1,500 Flex Points in a month. Flex Points do not provide Sales Volume or Commissionable Sales Value and no Bonus is paid on Flex Points. Flex Points have no monetary value and cannot ever be redeemed for cash. Flex Points do not expire and there is no limit to the amount of Flex Points you can accumulate; however, any accumulated Flex Points will be forfeited if you lose your Brand Representative status. When Flex Points are used to Maintain your Brand Representative status, you are not eligible to earn Building or Leading Bonuses that month.
You are allotted Flex Points as a new Brand Representative and each following year in your Brand Representative advancement anniversary month. At the beginning of your first three full months as a new Brand Representative, you are allotted 1,500 Flex Points in your first month, 1,000 in your second month, and 500 in your third month, for a total of 3,000 Flex Points. Each following year, you are allotted an additional 1,500 Flex Points in your anniversary month as a Brand Representative. Your Flex Points will be reflected in your account.
If you lose your Brand Representative status and complete Brand Representative Qualification again (including through Restart), you will be allocated 1,000 Flex Points in your first month and 500 in your second month following your advancement.
To be eligible for any Bonuses (excluding Retailing Bonuses), you must have Product sales to five different Direct Customers or Unregistered Customers each month. You must notify the Company immediately if you do not meet this requirement. The Company will also randomly survey Brand Affiliates to confirm compliance with this requirement.
B. Bonus Calculations	
Bonuses are calculated on a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule (as determined by Nu Skin) and recorded in your Nu Skin Bonus Account.
C. Bonuses and Exchange Rates	
When calculating your Bonuses, the Commissionable Sales Value and Net Sales Price from Product sales from different markets are exchanged into your home currency using the previous month’s average daily exchange rate.
D. Home Market Version	
This version of the Plan applies only to Brand Affiliates who have a Canada market Brand Affiliate ID. The Plan offers you the opportunity to receive Bonuses on sales in all our global markets, except where foreign participation is restricted (contact your Account Manager for specific markets). If you have a Canada market Brand Affiliate ID, your Bonus eligibility and benchmarks will be governed by the terms of this version of the Plan, even if members of your Group or Team have a Brand Affiliate ID from other markets.
This Plan does not apply to our Mainland China, Vietnam, or India businesses, which operate under different business models.	
E. Recovery of Bonuses Paid to You	
The Company has the right to recover Bonuses paid to you as published in the Policies and Procedures, including the recovery of Bonuses that were paid on Products that were subsequently returned. The timing and method of recovery will depend on the Bonus and when the Products are returned. See Addendum B. A summary of our return policy can be found at by accessing the Reputation page.	
F. Advancement to Brand Representative; Other Title Advancement Changes	
Advancement to Brand Representative occurs weekly. Other Title changes occur only during the monthly Bonus calculation and will be reflected in your account on or before the 5th of the following month. See Addendum A.
We may adjust the published retail price, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, and Member Price. Please see your market’s Product pricing and promotion announcements regarding any discounts and their impact on pricing, Bonuses, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, and other sales compensation-related information for each Product.	
When you sell Nu Skin Products outside of Nu Skin Systems you can capture a retail profit:
- Retail profit equals (1) the price you sell a Product for minus (2) your costs (your purchase price, taxes, shipping, business expenses, etc.). You keep all retail profit earned outside of Nu Skin Systems. 	
- You can also earn incentive trips* or other non-cash rewards and compensation from other short-term sales incentives not covered by the Sales Performance Plan.
*In the United States, approximately 1% of average Active Brand Affiliates qualified for an incentive trip during 2023. 	
Upon termination of your Brand Affiliate Account, you lose all benefits as a Brand Affiliate, including any access to your Brand Affiliate Account, Group, Team, Sales Network, Sales Volume generated by either your Group or Team, and Bonuses.
B. Movement of Brand Affiliate Account	
The Company has the right, for as long as reasonably necessary, to delay any movement of a Brand Affiliate Account and any part of its Group or Sales Network up in a Sales Network or to a different Sales Network.
The Company may, in its sole discretion, waive or modify any requirements, terms, or conditions of this Plan (collectively “Plan Exceptions”). The Company may grant Plan Exceptions to (1) an individual Brand Affiliate Account, or (2) any number of accounts, including by Team or market. The granting of a Plan Exception to a Brand Affiliate Account, Team, or market does not obligate the Company to grant a Plan Exception to any other Brand Affiliate Account, Team, or market. Any material Plan Exception requires the express written consent of an authorized officer of the Company, and the Company has no obligation to provide other Brand Affiliates, including the next Brand Affiliates above a Brand Affiliate, notice of the Plan Exception, written or otherwise.
The Company may terminate any Plan Exception that has been previously granted at any time and for any reason, regardless of the length of time the exception has been operative. If a Plan Exception has been granted to a specific Brand Affiliate, then the Plan Exception is personal to the specific Brand Affiliate and the Company. Plan Exceptions will terminate upon the transfer of the Brand Affiliate Account, regardless of the form of transfer (e.g., sale, assignment, transfer, bequest, by operation of law, or otherwise), and any such exception will be void.
Terms in this Plan may differ from previous terms and may be revised.
We can modify this Plan at any time in our sole discretion. If we change this Plan, we will provide you with 30 days notice prior to the change becoming effective.
To qualify for Bonuses, you must comply with the requirements of this Plan, your Brand Affiliate Agreement, and Nu Skin’s Policies and Procedures.
Any reference to a “month” means a calendar month. Any reference to a “week” or “weekly” or “weekly period” means a seven-day period beginning on the 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd day of each month, provided, however, that the fourth week of each month runs through the end of the month. Bonus calculations are based on Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Savings Time in Provo, Utah, United States of America (Coordinated Universal Time [UTC-7]).
Affiliate Referring Bonus: A Bonus paid weekly to you as a Brand Affiliate, based on your Personally Registered Affiliate Sales. See Section 2.2.
Bonus: Sales compensation paid through this Plan, including the Selling Bonus, Retailing Bonus, Affiliate Referring Bonus, Building Bonus, and Leading Bonus. Bonuses do not include any retail profit you can earn on Products that you purchase and resell directly to Unregistered Customers, or any other cash or non-cash incentives.
Brand Affiliate: A Person who signs up with Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate and can purchase Products at the Member Price, sell Products, and sign-up Customers and Brand Affiliates. The term Brand Affiliate can also be used as a general reference to all Brand Affiliates and Brand Representatives. For example, a Brand Partner or Brand Director can be referred to as a Brand Affiliate as a general reference when talking about all Brand Affiliates. Brand Affiliates are not Customers.
Brand Affiliate Account: The account created when you register as a Brand Affiliate with Nu Skin. When you create a Brand Affiliate Account, you are assigned a Brand Affiliate ID.
Brand Affiliate Agreement: An agreement between you and Nu Skin that sets forth certain terms relating to your relationship with Nu Skin.
Brand Director: A category of Brand Representa- tives with a Title of Emerald Director, Diamond Director, Blue Diamond Director, or Presidential Director.
Brand Partner: A category of Brand Representa- tives with a Title of Gold Partner, Lapis Partner, or Ruby Partner.
Brand Representative: A Brand Affiliate who has successfully completed Brand Representative Qualification and who has not lost their Brand Representative status. The term Brand Representative can also be used as a general reference for all Titles of Brand Representative and above. For example, a Ruby Partner or Diamond Director can be referred to as a Brand Representative as a general reference when talking about all Brand Representatives.
Brand Representative Advancement Date: The first day of the weekly period after you complete Brand Representative Qualification. If you qualify as a Brand Representative in week 1, 2, or 3 of a month, your Brand Representative Advancement Date will be the 8th, 15th, or 22nd of that month, respectively. If you qualify as a Brand Representative in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Advancement Date will be the first day of the following month. See Addendum A.
Brand Representative Qualification: The process to become a Brand Representative. See Section 3.1.
Brand Representative Qualification Period: A period that starts the calendar month in which you submit your Letter of Intent. You have until the end of the following calendar month to complete Brand Representative Qualification. See Section 3.1.
Brand Representative Qualification Requirements: During your Brand Representative Qualification Period you must submit a Letter of Intent and achieve 2,000 Group Sales Volume (including 500 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume). See Section 3.1.
Building Bonus: A Bonus paid monthly to you as a Brand Representative based on the Commissionable Sales Value of Products purchased through Nu Skin Systems by Brand Affiliates and Customers in your Group. See Section 2.3.
Business Builder Position (BBP): A position placed on your G1. Your BBP is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Blue Diamond Director. See Addendum D.
Business Development Activities: Any activity that benefits, promotes, assists, or supports in any way the business, development, sales, or sponsorship of another business, including but not limited to selling products or services; promoting the business opportunity; appearing on behalf of the business or one of its representatives; allowing your name to be used to market the business, its products, services, or opportunity; sponsoring or recruiting on behalf of the business; acting as a member of the board of directors, as an officer, or a representative or distributor of the business; or having an ownership interest or any other beneficial interest, whether the interest is direct or indirect.
Commissionable Sales Value (CSV): A currency value that is set for each Product, used to calculate Building and Leading Bonuses. Commissionable Sales Value is adjusted from time to time due to a variety of factors, including changes in pricing, currency fluctuations, promotions, and so on. Commissionable Sales Value is different from Sales Volume and generally does not equal the Sales Volume of a Product. Some Products may have zero Commissionable Sales Value. You can obtain information regarding the Commissionable Sales Value and other sales compensation-related information for each Product by signing into your account. Commissionable Sales Value is exchanged to your home market currency when selling Products in multiple markets.
Company: Nu Skin or “we”.
Customer: Anyone who purchases Products but does not participate in this Plan and cannot resell Products or register other Customers or Brand Affiliates. Brand Affiliates are not Customers.
Direct Customer: A Member or Retail Customer to whom a Brand Affiliate directly sells Products through Nu Skin Systems, and Customers who purchase products directly from a Brand Affiliate through eligible Drop Ship Orders. A Member is the Direct Customer of the Brand Affiliate who enrolled them. When a Retail Customer purchases Products through Nu Skin Systems, the Brand Affiliate who sold them the Product is credited for that sale. A Brand Affiliate is not considered a Direct Customer.
Direct Customer Sales Volume (DC-SV): The sum of all Product Sales Volume from purchases by your Direct Customers.
Direct Sales Company: A company that is a member of the Direct Selling Association or otherwise uses a sales force of independent contractors who sell products and services and that compensates the independent contractors through a single-level or multi-level compensation plan for (1) their own sales, and/or (2) the sales of other independent contractors who have signed up under the independent contractors to distribute the same products and services.
Drop Ship Orders: A Drop Ship Order is an order you place on your Brand Affiliate Account but designate as a sale to your Customer. To be eligible, a Drop Ship Order must be designated as such and sold to and shipped directly to your Customer.
Flex Points: Flex Points are a Group Sales Volume substitute used to Maintain your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 2,000 Group Sales Volume in a month. Flex Points cannot be used to satisfy the 250 Direct Customer Sales Volume requirement. Flex Points do not provide Sales Volume or Commissionable Sales Value and no Bonus is paid on Flex Points. Flex Points have no monetary value and cannot ever be redeemed for cash. Flex Points do not expire and there is no limit to the amount of Flex Points you can accumulate; however, any accumulated Flex Points will be forfeited if you lose your Brand Representative status. See Section 3.3.
Generations: The Brand Representative levels in your Team. Every Brand Representative you directly lead and who is the first Brand Representative below you in your Team is your G1 Brand Repre- sentative. Those Brand Representatives who are on the next level below them are your G2 Brand Representatives, and so forth. Brand Affiliates who have not achieved Brand Representative status do not constitute a Generation but are part of their Brand Representative’s Group. For example, the Brand Affiliates (who have not achieved Brand Representative status) of your G1 Brand Repre- sentative are not part of your G2; instead, they are part of your G1 Brand Representative’s Group.
Group: Your Group consists of (1) you, (2) any of your Members, Retail Customers, and Brand Affiliates, and (3) any of your Brand Affiliates’ Members, Retail Customers, and Brand Affiliates, and so on. Your Group will include the Groups of your Brand Affiliates who are in Brand Representative Qualification. A Brand Affiliate who completes Brand Representative Qualification will leave your Group and they and their Group will become part of your Team.
Group Sales Volume (GSV): The sum of Sales Volume from all Product purchases within your Group.
Leadership Team: Your Leadership Teams consist of your G1–G6 Brand Representatives starting at each of your G1 Brand Representatives. Each one of your Leadership Teams is distinct and led by your individual G1 Brand Representatives, respectively. See Section 2.4.
Leadership Team Sales Volume (LTSV): The sum of all Sales Volume from a given Leadership Team. See Section 2.4.
Leading Bonus: A Bonus paid monthly if you are a Brand Partner or Brand Director, based on the Commissionable Sales Value of the Sales Volume generated by your Team. See Section 2.4.
Letter of Intent: A document that you submit through Nu Skin Systems to notify the Company of your intention to qualify as a Brand Representative.
Maintenance (also Maintain or Maintaining): The requirement to achieve at least 2,000 Group Sales Volume (including 250 of your own Direct Customer Sales Volume), in a month to keep your Brand Representative status and be eligible to be paid a Building or Leading Bonus. To Maintain your Brand Representative status, Flex Points may also be used to substitute any missing Group Sales Volume, but not Direct Customer Sales Volume, requirements. However, if you use any Flex Points to Maintain your Brand Representative status, you will not be eligible to earn Building or Leading Bonuses that month. See Section 3.2 and Addendum A.
Member: A Customer who signs up through Nu Skin Systems based on a Brand Affiliate invitation to purchase Nu Skin Products at Member Price. Members cannot register Customers or Brand Affiliates, cannot resell Nu Skin Products, and do not participate in this Plan.
Member Price: The list price for Products for both Members and Brand Affiliates, excluding tax and shipping. The Member Price is set by the local market and may occasionally be adjusted for sales promotions and incentives.
Net Sales Price: The price paid for Products, not including retail markup, tax, and shipping.
Nu Skin: Nu Skin International, Inc. and its affiliates (excluding Rhyz, Inc. and its subsidiary entities).
Nu Skin Bonus Account: A digital account found in Nu Skin’s digital tools (e.g., Nu Skin Stela app and that reflects all your Bonuses, payments, and commission adjustments. A Nu Skin Bonus Account is automatically created for you when you become a Brand Affiliate. Nu Skin Bonus Accounts do not accrue interest. You can transfer your total available balance, minus any government-mandated income taxes, from your Nu Skin Bonus Account to your designated financial institution account at any time. Transfers that you initiate do not have a minimum balance requirement. However, you are responsible for all fees associated with any transfer you initiate. Service fees may be charged by the receiving financial institution and Nu Skin. Nu Skin automatically transfers your remaining Nu Skin Bonus Account balance free of charge at the conclusion of each weekly and monthly pay period. There are market-specific minimum balance requirements for automated transfers from Nu Skin.
Nu Skin Stela: A mobile application that provides information related to your Brand Affiliate Account, including your Product purchases, portions of your Sales Network, Bonuses, goal setting, reporting, recognition, and more. You can download Nu Skin Stela in your app store.
Nu Skin Systems: Any process, application, or other digital property within Nu Skin’s digital ecosystem designated by Nu Skin for the purchase or sale of Nu Skin Products, including Nu Skin Vera, Nu Skin Stela,, MySite, Personal Offer Tool, or any other Nu Skin approved platform.
Person: An individual or business entity. A “business entity” is any business entity such as a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other form of business organization legally formed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized.
Personally Register: The act of registering a Person with Nu Skin. For example, when you sign up a Brand Affiliate, Member, or Retail Customer with Nu Skin, they become your Personally Registered Brand Affiliate, Personally Registered Member, or Personally Registered Retail Customer, respectively.
Personally Registered Affiliate Sales: The Product sales made by your Personally Registered Brand Affiliates, calculated by summing the Net Sales Price of Products sold to their Direct Customers.
Policies and Procedures: A document that is part of the agreement between you and Nu Skin and sets forth certain policies and procedures related to your business.
Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP): A position placed on the G1 of your BBP. Your Presidential Director BBP is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director. See Addendum D.
Products: All goods and services offered by Nu Skin.
Restart: The process that gives former Gold Partners and above the opportunity to reclaim their Sales Network (as if they had not lost their Brand Representative status). See Addendum C.
Retailing Bonus: The difference between (1) the price paid by your Retail Customer (excluding shipping costs and taxes) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price. See Section 2.1.
Retail Customers: Any Customer who purchases Products through Nu Skin Systems who is not a Member or Brand Affiliate. The Bonuses on a Retail Customer’s Product purchase are paid based on the Brand Affiliate who is identified as the seller at the time of the specific Product order. For purposes of this Plan, an Unregistered Customer is not included in the definition of Retail Customers. Retail Customers do not participate in this Plan and cannot resell Products or register other Customers or Brand Affiliates.
Sales Network: Your Sales Network consists of your Group, your Team, and the Groups and Teams of the Brand Representatives below your Team.
Sales Performance Plan: This Sales Performance Plan (also “Plan”) (including amendments that may be incorporated in the future) which sets forth the terms and conditions for the sales compensation you can earn as a Brand Affiliate who participates in this Plan.
Sales Volume (SV): A non-currency value set for each Product used to quantify Product sales, which is aggregated to measure eligibility for various performance benchmarks as well as Bonus percentage determination. Sales Volume is adjusted from time to time as the Company deems necessary. Sales Volume is different from Commissionable Sales Value and Net Sales Price. You can obtain information regarding the Sales Volume and other sales compensation-related information for each Product by signing into your account.
Selling Bonus: The Bonus paid on Product sales to your Direct Customers. See Section 2.1.
Team: Your Team consists of all Generations of Brand Representatives and their Groups as determined by your Title (see Table 2.D). Your Team does not include you or your Group.
Title: Titles are achieved as a Brand Representative based on your Leadership Teams and their Sales Volume. Your Title determines the number of Generations on which you can earn a Leading Bonus. See Table 2.D.
Unregistered Customers: Individuals who purchase Products from a Brand Affiliate outside of Nu Skin Systems (regardless of whether the Unregistered Customer has previously purchased Products directly from Nu Skin). Unregistered Customers do not participate in this Plan and cannot resell Products or register Customers.
The following provides additional information related to Brand Representative Qualification, including important dates, Maintenance, Bonuses, and other details.	
If your Brand Representative Advancement Date is the first day of a month, you must meet Maintenance requirements beginning in that month. If your Brand Representative Advancement Date is after the first day of a month, you must meet Maintenance requirements beginning with the next month.
EXAMPLE: If you complete Brand Representative Qualification the 4th week of May, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is June 1, and you must meet Maintenance requirements in June. If you complete Brand Representative Qualification the first week of June, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is June 8, and you must meet Maintenance requirements in July.
A. Building Bonus	
You can earn a Building Bonus based on your Group’s sales made on or after your Brand Representative Advancement Date. If you complete Brand Representative Qualification during the first week of the month, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is the 8th and you can begin earning a Building Bonus based on Product sales on or after the 8th. You will not earn a Building Bonus based on any Product sales during the first week of that month. If you complete Brand Representative Qualification in week four of a month, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is the 1st of the next month and you can begin earning a Building Bonus based on Product sales on or after the 1st of that next month. After your Brand Representative Advancement Date, your subsequent Group Sales Volume will no longer contribute to the Group Sales Volume of the next Brand Representative above you. Instead, your Group Sales Volume will contribute to their Team Sales Volume and Leading Bonus.	
EXAMPLE: If you complete Brand Representative Qualification during the third week of May, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is May 22. Your Group Sales Volume through May 21 will count toward the Group Sales Volume of the next Brand Representative above you, but your Group Sales Volume on Product sales on May 22 through the end of May will contribute to their Team Sales Volume and Leading Bonus instead. If you complete Brand Representative Qualification in the fourth week of May, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is June 1 and your Group Sales Volume in May will count toward the Group Sales Volume of the next Brand Representative above you for May. From June 1 forward, your Group Sales Volume will contribute to the Team Sales Volume and Leading Bonus of the next Brand Representative above you.
B. Leading Bonus	
You are eligible to earn a Leading Bonus after your Brand Representative Advancement Date if you meet the appropriate Leading Bonus requirements.
EXAMPLE: If you complete Brand Representative Qualification during the first week of May, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is May 8 and you can begin earning Leading Bonus for May if you achieve 3,000 Group Sales Volume between your Brand Representative Advancement Date and the end of the month, as well as achieve the requirements of Brand Partner or above by the end of the month. If you complete Brand Representative Qualification during the fourth week of May, your Brand Representative Advancement Date is June 1 and you can begin earning a Leading Bonus in June if you meet the corresponding Leading Bonus Requirements in June.
The Company has the right to adjust Bonuses paid to you as described in the Policies and Procedures, including adjustments based on the return of Products by you or others who were in your Group or Team at the time of purchase. The calculation and recovery of Bonus adjustments from Product returns will depend on the type of Bonus and when the Products are returned.
Your Bonuses will be adjusted for Product returns as follows:
When your Direct Customers return Products, the Company will recover any Retailing Bonuses you received on those Products.	
When your Direct Customers or the Direct Customers of your Personally Registered Brand Affiliates return Products, the Company will recover any Selling and Affiliate Referring Bonuses you received on those Products.
If your Direct Customers return Products in the same month in which they were purchased, your Direct Customer Sales Volume will be reduced by the amount of Sales Volume returned. Your Selling and Affiliate Referring Bonus percentages paid in subsequent weeks may be reduced due to the impact those returns have on your Direct Customer Sales Volume.
If a Product return from Products purchased in a prior month reduces your Direct Customer Sales Volume below a Bonus threshold that you achieved in that month, the Company will debit your Direct Customer Sales Volume by the amount needed to reach the Bonus threshold that you were paid on. This debit will occur in the month after the Products were returned.	
EXAMPLE: If you achieved 750 Direct Customer Sales Volume in January and were paid a 8% Selling Bonus and 12% Affiliate Referring Bonus but 400 Sales Volume of your January Product sales were returned in March, you would have a negative 150 Direct Customer Sales Volume balance at the start of April and you would not qualify to earn the 8% Selling Bonus and 12% Affiliate Referring Bonus in April unless you produce 650 Direct Customer Sales Volume in April to make up for the negative balance and achieve the 500 Direct Customer Sales Volume Bonus tier.
C. Building Bonus	
When someone who was in your Group at the time of purchase returns Products, the Company will recover any Building Bonus you received on those Products.
If someone in your Group returns Products in the same month in which they were purchased, your Group Sales Volume will be reduced by the amount of Sales Volume returned.
If a Product return from Products purchased in a prior month reduces your Group Sales Volume below a Bonus threshold that you achieved in that month, the Company will debit the appropriate Group Sales Volume the month after the Product was returned.
EXAMPLE: If you achieved 3,300 Group Sales Volume in January and were paid a 10% Building Bonus but 600 Sales Volume of your January Product sales were returned in March, you would have a negative 300 Group Sales Volume balance at the start of April and you would not qualify to earn the 5% Building Bonus in April unless you produce 2,300 Group Sales Volume in April to make up for the negative 300 balance and achieve the 2000 Group Sales Volume Bonus tier.	
D: Leading Bonus	
When someone who was on your Team at the time of purchase returns Products, the Company will recover any Leading Bonus you received on those Products.
Restart is a process that gives former Gold Partners or above the opportunity to reclaim their Sales Network (as if they had not lost their Brand Representative status). The following provides additional information regarding the use, benefits, and terms of Restart.
- Submit a new Letter of Intent which indicates your intention to qualify as a Brand Representative again; and 	
- Complete Brand Representative Qualification again. This new Brand Representative Qualification must be completed within three consecutive months from the effective date of losing your status as a Brand Representative.
If you do not finish Restart within this three-month period, you will permanently lose the chance to reclaim your Sales Network.
EXAMPLE: If you lose your Brand Representative status effective March 1, you have until the 4th week of May to complete Brand Representative Qualification to become a Brand Representative effective June 1 in order to reclaim your Sales Network.
When you complete Restart within the required time frame, you:
- Become a Brand Representative again; 	
- Become eligible for the Building Bonus and Leading Bonus; 	
- Reclaim your Sales Network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status); and 	
- Receive 1,000 Flex Points in your first month and 500 in your second month after completing Restart
If you lose your status as a Brand Representative for a second time, you will not be eligible to Restart and will permanently lose your Sales Network (it moves up a Generation to the Brand Representatives above you). However, even if Restart is no longer available, you can begin Brand Representative Qualification again at any time and build a new Sales Network. If you become a new Brand Representative, you would once again be eligible to use Restart to reclaim your new Sales Network.
As you build and lead your Team, you have the opportunity to become a Blue Diamond Director or a Presidential Director. The following chart shows how:	
				 WHAT YOU DO 			 | 							 WHAT YOU GET 			 | 		|
				 Maintain your Brand Representative status, achieve 3,000 Group Sales Volume each month, and develop Leadership Teams 			 | 							 5% Leading Bonus 				Paid on your monthly Team Commissionable Sales Value				 									 | 		|
				 LEADERSHIP TEAMS 			 | 							 TITLE 			 | 							 GENERATIONS PAID 			 | 		
				 6 				Including 1 with > 10,000 LTSV + 				 				1 with > 20,000 LTSV +				 				1 with > 30,000 LTSV 			 | 							 Blue Diamond Director 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G6 				Unlock your BBP 			 | 		
				 6 				Including 1 with > 10,000 LTSV +				 				1 with > 20,000 LTSV +				 				1 with > 30,000 LTSV +				 				1 with > 40,000 LTSV 			 | 							 Presidential Director 			 | 							 5% on your G1–G6 				Unlock your Presidential Director BBP 			 | 		
The first month you are paid as a Blue Diamond Director, you will receive a Business Builder Position (BBP) on your G1 and the first month you are paid as a Presidential Director you will receive a Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP) on the G1 of your BBP (the G2 of your original Brand Affiliate Account). In any month that you are qualified to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director, your BBP will occupy a Generation in the Sales Network. In any month that you are qualified to be paid as a Presidential Director, your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will each occupy a Generation (G1 and G2 respectively) in the Sales Network.
A. Automatically Created
The BBP and Presidential Director BBP are automatically created during the Bonus calculation process for the month you meet the eligibility requirements above. You retain any BBP and Presidential Director BBP awarded to you unless you lose your status as a Brand Representative and do not complete Restart.	
For purposes of your Brand Affiliate Agreement, your BBP and Presidential Director BBP are treated as part of your Brand Affiliate Account and may not be sold or transferred separately.
A. Leadership Teams
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not be considered Leadership Teams to your Brand Affiliate Account. The G1 Brand Representatives under your BBP and Presidential Director BBP function as Leadership Teams and may be compressed to meet Title requirements as outlined below.
For purposes of determining Leadership Team Sales Volume for you and the next Brand Representatives above you in a month, your BBP and Presidential Director BBP remain on your G1 and G2 respectively (unless you have lost your Brand Representative status).
Personally Registered Affiliate Sales
Eligible Direct Customer Sales Volume from your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP will be summed to determine your Selling and Affiliate Referring Bonus percentages.
Direct Customer Sales Volume from your Personally Registered Brand Affiliates referred by your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP will be summed and the corresponding Net Sales Price will be paid at the qualified Affiliate Referring Bonus percentage determined by the sum of your Direct Customer Sales Volume.
Purchases made by Direct Customers of your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not count as Personally Registered Affiliate Sales of your original Brand Affiliate Account.
Purchases made by Direct Customers of your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP will count as Personally Registered Affiliate Sales for the Brand Affiliate who referred you.
B. Group Sales Volume
You, your BBP, and your Presidential Director BBP each have their own Groups. For purposes of Maintaining your Brand Representative status and determining your Building Bonus and Leading Bonus eligibility, Group Sales Volume from your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP will be combined.
C. BBP and Presidential Director BBP Bonuses Based on Your Original Brand Affiliate Account Title and Brand Representative Status 	
For a month that your original Brand Affiliate Account is qualified to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director or Presidential Director, Bonuses on your BBP will be calculated as if it was a Blue Diamond Director. For any month that your original Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements to qualify to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director, your BBP will be combined with your original Brand Affiliate Account and any Sales Network of your BBP will move up one Generation in your Sales Network and the Sales Networks of the Brand Representatives above you for that month.	
Presidential Director BBP
For a month that your original Brand Affiliate Account meets all requirements to qualify to be paid as a Presidential Director, Bonuses on your Presidential Director BBP will be calculated as if it was a Blue Diamond Director. For any month that your Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements to qualify to be paid as a Presidential Director, but does qualify to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director, your Presidential Director BBP will be combined with your BBP and any Sales Network of your Presidential Director BBP will move up one Generation in your Sales Network and in the Sales Networks of the Brand Representatives above you for that month.	
For any month that your original Brand Affiliate Account does not qualify to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director, your BBP and your Presidential Director BBP will be combined with your original Brand Affiliate Account and any Sales Network of your BBP will move up one Generation and your Presidential Director BBP will move up two Generations in your Sales Network and in the Sales Networks of the Brand Representatives above you.	
The following illustrates how the Leading Bonus is calculated on your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP. We assume that your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP collectively have at least 3,000 points of Group Sales Volume and are eligible to earn a 5% Leading Bonus.	
Blue Diamond Director	
Your original Brand Affiliate Account and BBP can each earn 5% on their respective G1 to G6. This means that you can effectively earn 10% on the G1-G5 of your BBP.	
Your original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP can each earn 5% on their respective G1 to G6. This means that you can effectively earn 10% on the G1 to G5 of your BBP and on the G5 of your Presidential Director BBP, and 15% on the G1 to G4 of your Presidential Director BBP.
D. Movement Between Your Original Brand Affiliate Account, BBP, and Presidential Director BBP
- Leadership Teams cannot be moved from your original Brand Affiliate Account to a BBP or Presidential Director BBP except as provided below. 	
- Automatic Movement by the Company:		
a. Leadership Teams on your original Brand Affiliate Account		
To qualify to be paid as a Presidential Director for a given commission period you must maintain a minimum of six Leadership Teams, including one with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, one with 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, one with 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and one with 40,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume.		
-The minimum six Leadership Teams must be directly under your original Brand Affiliate Account.
-Three of the four 10,000+, 20,000+, 30,000+, and 40,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume Leadership Teams must be directly under your original Brand Affiliate Account. The fourth may be under either your original Brand Affiliate Account or your BBP.		
b. Movement to your original Brand Affiliate Account 		
If you fall below six Leadership Teams on your original Brand Affiliate Account, then the Company will automatically move Leadership Teams from your BBP and Presidential Director BBP to your original Brand Affiliate Account until there are at least six Leadership Teams on your original Brand Affiliate Account. This movement of Leadership Teams from your BBP or Presidential Director BBP to your original Brand Affiliate Account will be effective until the requisite number of Leadership Teams are replaced, as stipulated below.		
If your original Brand Affiliate Account does not qualify to be paid as a Blue Diamond Director (i.e., having six Leadership Teams, including one Leadership Team with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, one with 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and one with 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume), then the Leadership Teams that are on your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will be evaluated and the Leadership Team(s) with the least amount of Leadership Team Sales Volume necessary to fill the Leadership Team(s) deficiency on your original Brand Affiliate Account will be moved to your original Brand Affiliate Account for the commission period being evaluated. Additionally, if you are missing one of the four Leadership Teams with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and 40,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume between your original Brand Affiliate Account and your BBP, then any Leadership Teams that are on your Presidential Director BBP will be evaluated and the Leadership Team with the least amount of Leadership Team Sales Volume necessary to fill the Leadership Team deficiency on your original Brand Affiliate Account or your BBP will be moved to your BBP for the commission period being evaluated.		
c. Movement Back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP		
If a Leadership Team from your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved from your BBP or Presidential Director BBP due to having less than six Leadership Teams on your original Brand Affiliate Account, you can request to move these Leadership Teams back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP following your replacement of the requisite Leadership Team(s) on your original Brand Affiliate Account. Your request must be made in writing to your Account Manager within six months following the month of the automatic move.
EXAMPLE: If a Leadership Team from your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved to your original Brand Affiliate Account at the beginning of February based on your January sales performance, then the six-month period runs from February through July. In August (based on your July sales performance), if you have not (1) replaced the required Leadership Team(s) on your original Brand Affiliate Account, and (2) requested that the Leadership Team(s) be moved back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP, then the Leadership Team will permanently remain on your original Brand Affiliate Account.
Effective July 31st 2024 to October 22nd 2024
DownloadTable of Contents
Velocity by Nu Skin® (“Velocity”) is designed to reward you for:
Sharing our Products by introducing new customers to Nu Skin;
Building and servicing your Consumer Group; and
Leading other Brand Representatives as they build and service their own Consumer Groups.
This Sales Performance Plan (this “Plan”) sets forth the terms and conditions for the sales compensation you can receive through Velocity. We encourage you to carefully read this Plan and refer to the Glossary for further definition of capitalized terms.
There are five levels of participation under Velocity:
Qualifying Brand Representatives are Brand Affiliates who have elected to qualify as a Brand Representative and are in the process of building a Consumer Group and meeting the Qualification requirements to become a Brand Representative.
Brand Representatives are Brand Affiliates who have successfully completed Qualification and have not lost their Brand Representative status.
Brand Partners are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading one or more other Brand Representatives.
Brand Directors are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading four or more other Brand Representatives, and one or more Leadership Teams.
You can elect to begin Qualification to become a Brand Representative when you join Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate or anytime thereafter.
There are three types of customers who can purchase Products but do not participate in Velocity:
Unregistered customers purchase Products directly from a Brand Affiliate at the price offered by the Brand Affiliate. Unregistered customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
Retail Customers sign up with Nu Skin as a Retail Customer to purchase Products directly from Nu Skin at the published retail price, subject to any discounts that may be offered by or facilitated by Nu Skin. Retail Customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
You can receive the following Bonuses based on your participation level:
Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus | ||||
Building Bonus | ||||
Leading Bonus |
The Sharing Bonus compensates you for Product purchases by your Personally Registered Customers.
IMPORTANT NOTE – SHARING BONUS: You will not be paid a Sharing Bonus on the following:
- Purchases by Brand Representatives.
- Your own purchases, including purchases for resale to unregistered customers, unless you are a Brand Representative.
- Purchases by your Registered Customers who are not your Personally Registered Customers (i.e., a Registered Customer who became your Registered Customer due to the inactivity of the Brand Affiliate who registered them).
The Retailing Bonus compensates you for Product purchases by your Retail Customers.
The difference between (1) the retail price paid by your Retail Customer after any discounts (excluding shipping costs and taxes) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price.
- You earn the Retailing Bonus on purchases by all your Retail Customers, regardless of whether they are your Personally Registered Customers.
The Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus will generally be recorded in your Velocity Account (found in your “Volumes & Genealogy” tool) within one business day following the purchase.
To be eligible to receive the Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus, you must be a Brand Affiliate.
As a Brand Representative, in addition to the Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus, you can also earn a Building Bonus. The Building Bonus compensates you weekly for building your Consumer Group,
providing customer service to them, and assisting Brand Affiliates and Qualifying Brand Representatives
in the promotion of Products to their customers.
BUILDING BLOCKS: A Building Block is 500 points of Sales Volume from your Consumer Group. The number of Building Blocks you complete will determine the percentages used to calculate your Building Bonus. Your number of Building Blocks resets to zero after each month, so your first 500 points of Sales Volume in a new month will result in your first Building Block for that month. If you have an incomplete Building Block at the end of the month, it will not carry forward to the next month.
The Building Bonus is a percentage of the Commissionable Sales Value of your Consumer Group’s Product purchases that starts at 5% on your first Building Block and scales up to 40% on your 16th Building Block and beyond, as illustrated in the following diagram.
The Building Bonus for each Building Block is calculated by multiplying:
IMPORTANT NOTE – BUILDING BONUS PERCENTAGE: The Building Bonus Percentage for a specific Building Block is limited to that specific Building Block and is not applied to previous Building Blocks. For example, you earn 5% on the Commissionable Sales Value of your first two Building Blocks and 10% on the Commissionable Sales Value of your third Building Block (but you do not earn 10% on your first two Building Blocks) in a month.
EXAMPLE: Assuming the Commissionable Sales Value for each Building Block was $500, the Building Bonus for your first Building Block would be $25, and the Building Bonus for your 8th Building Block would be $175.
If Flex Blocks are used to hold your Brand Representative status, you will only be eligible for a Building Bonus on any completed Building Blocks and no Bonus is paid on Flex Blocks. See Section 3.3.
Four times a month, we pay you a Building Bonus for any newly completed Building Blocks through the end of each weekly period. Your Building Bonus will generally be recorded in your Velocity Account within one business day following the end of the weekly period.
D. Eligibility
To be eligible to receive a Building Bonus, you must be a Brand Representative. If you lose your status as a Brand Representative, you will not be eligible for a Building Bonus, effective the following month. See Section 3.2 for more details.
IMPORTANT NOTE – INCOMPLETE BUILDING BLOCKS: If you have completed 4 or more Building Blocks by the end of the month, you will be paid a Building Bonus on any Commissionable Sales Value from an incomplete Building Block using the same Building Bonus Percentage applicable to the last completed Building Block.
EXAMPLE: If you have completed 6 blocks and part of your 7th block in a given month, you will be paid a 25% Building Bonus on the Commissionable Sales Value of your 7th Building Block.
When you become a Brand Partner or Brand Director, in addition to receiving the Sharing, Retailing and Building Bonuses, you will earn a Leading Bonus for developing and leading other Brand Representatives. This involves helping your Brand Affiliates qualify as new Brand Representatives, and motivating, directing, and training the Brand Representatives who you directly lead in your Team (referred to as your G1 Brand Representatives).
As your G1 Brand Representatives develop into Brand Partners and Brand Directors, your role evolves. In addition to developing other Brand Representatives, you will lead a Team that includes Brand Representatives on other Generations (e.g., G2, G3 etc.), as they work to develop their own Consumer Groups and increase Product sales. The Leading Bonus is designed to maximize the Bonus paid to you based on the changing composition of your Team and your development and leadership focus.
TEAM: Your Team consists of all Generations on which you are eligible to be paid a Leading Bonus. Your Title determines the number of Generations of Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups on your Team, as shown in the Velocity Title Determination table. Your Team does not include your Consumer Group.
Your Title and your Team are based on your performance. As you demonstrate the ability to develop Brand Representatives and help them build their Consumer Groups and drive sales through their Teams, your Team will expand to include more Generations of Brand Representatives.
G1 BRAND REPRESENTATIVES: Every Brand Representative you directly lead and who is the first Brand Representative below you in your Team is your G1 Brand Representative.
LEADERSHIP TEAM SALES VOLUME: Leadership Team Sales Volume is the sum of Consumer Group Sales Volume in your G1-G6 for a given G1 Brand Representative.
Your Title and the number of Generations of Brand Representatives included in your Team is based on your number of G1 Brand Representatives and Leadership Teams, as set forth in the following Velocity Title Determination table:

*To be eligible to be paid on Generations 3-6 you must not be involved in Business Development Activities for another Direct Sales Company.
To incentivize Brand Partners and Brand Directors to continue to build and maintain Product sales within their own Consumer Groups, the method of calculating the Leading Bonus is based on the number of Building Blocks that you complete in your own Consumer Group during the month.
- Developing G1 Brand Representatives
- Leading a Team

C. Paid Monthly
Following the end of each month, we calculate your Leading Bonus. The Leading Bonus is generally recorded in your Velocity Account within one business day following the end of the monthly Bonus calculation and is automatically transferred to the financial institution that you select.
To be eligible to receive a Leading Bonus:
You are not eligible for a Leading Bonus for a month that we hold your Brand Representative status or you lose your Brand Representative status. See Section 3.2 for more details.
As a Brand Affiliate you may elect to qualify as a Brand Representative by submitting a Letter of Intent to Nu Skin. You can find the Letter of Intent form by signing in to your market’s Brand Affiliate website.
On the date you elect to qualify as a Brand Representative, your Qualification Period begins. The Qualification Period is up to six consecutive months, inclusive of the month you make your election. For example, if you elect on January 25th to qualify as a Brand Representative, your Qualification Period would be January through June. The Qualification Period ends on the earlier of:
Qualification Requirements: Complete 12 Building Blocks (4 of which must be Sharing Blocks) during the Qualification Period. Alternatively, if you submit a Letter of Intent from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019, you may complete the Qualification Requirements by completing 10 Building Blocks (4 being Sharing Blocks), with at least 10 different Retail Customers, Members or Brand Affiliates in your Group, within 3 consecutive months. If you do not complete these Qualification Requirements under this alternative, you can still complete the Qualification Requirements by completing 12 Building Blocks (4 being Sharing Blocks), within 6 consecutive calendar months.
For example, if you had a total of 11 Building Blocks (assuming four of them are Sharing Blocks) during the first three months of the Qualification Period, you would qualify as a Brand Representative the fourth month after completing the last Building Block needed to finish your Qualification Requirements, even though you did not have two Building Blocks that month.
IMPORTANT NOTE – IMPACT OF INCOMPLETE BUILDING BLOCKS DURING QUALIFICATION: Sales Volume from an incomplete Building Block in a given month does not count toward the next month’s Qualification Monthly Minimum. However, Sales Volume from incomplete Building Blocks or Sharing Blocks in a given month does count toward your Qualification Requirements.
SHARING BLOCKS: Sharing Blocks are a special type of Building Block that only apply to Qualification Requirements. Sharing Blocks consist of 500 points of Sales Volume from Product purchases made by your Personally Registered Customers in your Consumer Group (excluding Brand Representatives). Sales Volume from your personal Product purchases is not included in your Sharing Blocks.
When you complete the Qualification Requirements, you are promoted to a Brand Representative on the first day of the next weekly period (the 8th, 15th, or 22nd of that month, or on the 1st of the next month) and are eligible to start earning the Building Bonus for all purchases by your Consumer Group after you advance.
If someone from your Consumer Group is also in Qualification, they will only become part of your Team if you: (1) complete your first Qualification month in the same month or earlier than the month they complete their Qualification Requirements, and (2) finish Qualification within your Qualification Period, otherwise they will not be part of your Team going forward and you will not earn any compensation from their sales activity. See Addendum A for more details.
If you do not meet the Qualification Monthly Minimum each month during the Qualification Period, your Qualification is terminated, effective the following month. If you do not satisfy the Qualification Requirements within the Qualification Period, your Qualification terminates, effective the following month. In either case, if you want to qualify as a Brand Representative you need to submit a new Letter of Intent and begin Qualification again.
Your status as a Brand Representative is maintained, held or lost based on your sales performance each month.
If you complete at least four Building Blocks in a month, you meet Maintenance and maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month.
If you (1) complete at least one Building Block in a month, and (2) have sufficient Flex Blocks (described below) available to make up the difference in required Building Blocks (e.g., 2 Building Blocks plus 2 Flex Blocks), then we automatically apply any available Flex Blocks to hold your status as a Brand Representative for that month.
If you (1) do not complete any Building Blocks in a month, or (2) do not have enough Flex Blocks available to make up for the missing required Building Blocks in a month, then you lose your Brand Representative status and become a Brand Affiliate effective the first day of the next month.
EXAMPLE: If you complete one Building Block and do not have any available Flex Blocks in June, then for applicable June Sales Volume, (1) you are ineligible for a Leading Bonus, and (2) you are ineligible for a Building Bonus on incomplete Building Blocks. In addition, you become a Brand Affiliate effective July 1st. However, you are still eligible for the Sharing Bonus (including the Sharing Bonus on your own purchases), Retailing Bonus and Building Bonus (on the one completed Building Block) for June sales.
To maintain your status as a Brand Representative, you must begin meeting Maintenance in the first full month following the completion of your Qualification Requirements. See Addendum A for more details.
When you meet Maintenance or we hold your status as a Brand Representative in a month, you count as a G1 Brand Representative in your upline Brand Representative’s Team. If you lose your Brand Representative status, then you revert to a Brand Affiliate and do not count as a G1 Brand Representative, effective the following month (e.g., if you lose Brand Representative status during the month of June because you do not complete enough Building Blocks and do not have enough Flex Blocks available, then your lost Brand Representative status becomes effective July 1st and you are a Brand Affiliate and will no longer count as a G1 Brand Representative).
A Flex Block is a Building Block substitute that we use to hold your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 4 Building Blocks in a month. Flex Blocks do not provide Sales Volume or Commissionable Sales Value and no Bonus is paid on Flex Blocks. Flex Blocks have no monetary value and cannot ever be redeemed for cash. Flex Blocks do not expire and there is no limit to the number of Flex Blocks you can accumulate; provided, however, that any accumulated Flex Blocks will be forfeited if you lose your Brand Representative status or your Brand Affiliate Account is terminated.
You are allotted Flex Blocks as a new Brand Representative and each following year. At the beginning of your 1st full month as a new Brand Representative, you are allotted 3 Flex Blocks. In your 2nd month, you are allotted 2 more Flex Blocks. In your 3rd month as a Brand Representative, you are allotted a single additional Flex Block, for a total of six. Each following year, you are allotted an additional 3 Flex Blocks
in your anniversary month as a Brand Representative. The Flex Blocks will be reflected in your Volumes & Genealogy.
If you lose your status as a Brand Representative, then Restart is the process that gives you six months to become a Brand Representative again and reclaim your former sales network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status). See Addendum C for more details on Restart.
To remain eligible for Bonuses, you must have Product sales to five different unregistered customers, Retail Customers or Members each month. You must notify the Company immediately if you do not meet this requirement. The Company will also randomly survey Brand Affiliates to confirm compliance with this requirement.
Bonuses will be calculated on a daily, weekly and monthly schedule, as determined by Nu Skin, and recorded in your Velocity Account.
When calculating your Bonuses, the Commissionable Sales Values from Product sales from different markets are exchanged into your local currency using the previous month’s average daily exchange rate. For example, in determining the base used to calculate your Bonuses on March sales, the Company would use February’s average daily exchange rate.
This version of the Plan applies only to Brand Affiliates who have a Canada Brand Affiliate ID. Velocity offers you the opportunity to receive Bonuses on sales in all our global markets, except where foreign participation is restricted (contact your account manager for specific markets). If you have a Canada Brand Affiliate ID, your Bonus eligibility and benchmarks will be governed by the terms of this version of the Plan, even if members of your Team have a Brand Affiliate ID from other markets.
EXAMPLE: If you are a Brand Representative with a Canada Brand Affiliate ID and you register a Member in Australia and the Member purchases some Products through the Australia website, then you will be paid the Sharing Bonus amount that the Australia market has set for those Products. If an individual (a) signs up as your Personally Registered Customer, and (b) is in your Consumer Group when they purchase Products in the Australia market, then those Product purchases will have the (1) Sharing Bonus, (2) Sales Volume, and (3) Commissionable Sales Value amounts that the Australia market has set for those Products. The Australia Sharing Bonus amount and Commissionable Sales Value will be exchanged into Canada currency when the Company calculates your Bonuses. The local market can provide you with information regarding the Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, Sharing Bonus, pricing and other sales compensation related information for each Product in that market.
Velocity does not apply to our Mainland China business, which operates under a different business model.
The Company has the right to recover Bonuses paid to you as published in the Policies and Procedures, including the recovery of Bonuses from the return of Products. The timing and method of recovery will depend on the Bonus, when the Product is returned, and who is returning the Products. See Addendum B for more details. A summary of the refund policy can be found at
Promotion to Brand Representative occurs weekly. Other Title promotions and demotions occur only during the monthly Bonus calculations and will be reflected in your Volumes & Genealogy on or before the 5th of each month. See Addendum A for more details on Title promotion and demotion timing and the impact on Bonuses.
We may adjust retail price, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, Member Price, Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus for promotions. Please see your market’s Product pricing and promotion announcements regarding any discounts and their impact on pricing, Bonuses, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value and other sales compensation related information for each Product.
In addition to sales compensation available through Velocity, you can also earn (1) retail profit from your sale of products directly to your consumers; (2) compensation from other sales incentives; and (3) incentive trips, or other non-cash rewards.
Upon termination of your Brand Affiliate Account you lose all rights and benefits as a Brand Affiliate, including any rights to your Brand Affiliate Account identification number, Consumer Group, Team, sales network, Sales Volume generated by either your Consumer Group or Team, and Bonuses.
The Company has the right, for as long as reasonably necessary, to delay any movement of a Brand Affiliate Account and any part of its Consumer Group or sales network up in the sales network or to a different sales network.
If there are any discrepancies between the terms and conditions set forth in the Plan for your market and any marketing materials or other related content, the Plan for your market will control. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if there are any discrepancies between the English version of this Plan and any translation of it, the English version will control.
The Company may, in its sole discretion waive or modify any requirements, terms or conditions of this Plan (collectively “Plan Exceptions”). The Company may grant Plan Exceptions to (1) an individual Brand Affiliate Account, or (2) any number of accounts, including by Team or market. The granting of a Plan Exception to a Brand Affiliate Account does not obligate the Company to grant a Plan Exception to any other Brand Affiliate Account. Any Plan Exception requires the express written consent of an authorized officer of the Company. The Company has no obligation to provide upline Brand Representatives written notice of any Plan Exceptions within their Team.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by an authorized officer of the Company, the Company may terminate a Plan Exception that has been previously granted at any time and for any reason regardless of the length of time the exception has been operative. If a Plan Exception has been granted to a specific Brand Affiliate, then the Plan Exception is personal to the specific Brand Affiliate and the Company.
Except as otherwise provided in a written and executed Plan Exception or an authorized Company officer has provided prior written approval, the Plan Exception will terminate upon the transfer of the Brand Affiliate Account regardless of the form of transfer (e.g., sale, assignment, transfer, bequest, by operation of law or otherwise), and any such transfer will be void.
Terms in this Plan, including Titles, may differ from previous terms and may be revised without prior notice.
We can modify this Plan at any time in our sole discretion. If we change this Plan, we will provide you with 30 days’ notice prior to the change becoming effective.
To qualify for Bonuses, you must comply with the requirements of this Plan, Brand Affiliate Agreement and Policies and Procedures.
Any reference to a “month” means a calendar month. Any reference to a “week” or “weekly” or “weekly period” means a 7-day period beginning on the 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd day of each month, provided, however, that the fourth week of each month runs through the end of the month. Bonus calculations are based on Mountain Standard Time in Provo, Utah, Canada of America(Coordinated Universal Time [UTC-7]).
Brand Affiliate Account: A Brand Affiliate’s Nu Skin account.
Brand Director: A general category including all Brand Representatives with a Title of Brand Director, Senior Brand Director, Executive Brand Director, or Presidential Director.
Brand Partner: A general category including all Brand Representatives with a Title of Brand Partner, Senior Brand Partner, or Executive Brand Partner.
Brand Representative: A Brand Affiliate who has successfully completed Qualification and who has not lost their Brand Representative status. The term Brand Representative will also be used as a general reference for all Titles of Brand Representative and above. For example, an Executive Brand Partner or Senior Brand Director will be referred to as a Brand Representative as a general reference when talking about all Brand Representatives.
Brand Representative Date: The first day of the month that a Qualifying Brand Representative completes Qualification. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 1, 2 or 3 of a month, the Brand Representative Date will be the first day of that month. For Qualifying Brand Representatives that complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, the Brand Representative Date will be the first day of the following month. See Addendum A for details.
Brand Representative Promotion Date: The first day of the weekly period following a Brand Representative’s completion of Qualification and advancement to Brand Representative. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 1, 2 or 3 of a month, the Brand Representative Promotion Date will be the 8th, 15th and 22nd of that month, respectively. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 4 of a month, the Brand Representative Promotion Date will be the first day of the following month. See Addendum A for details.
Brand Representative Qualification Date: The first day of the month in which a Qualifying Brand Representative submits a Letter of Intent and completes the monthly requirement of 2 Building Blocks. See Addendum A for details.
Building Block: A measurement of Sales Volume. A Building Block is only considered complete when it has 500 points of Sales Volume. A Building Block with less than 500 points of Sales Volume is referred to as incomplete. See Section 2.2.
Building Bonus: A Bonus paid weekly to Brand Representatives based on the Commissionable Sales Value of Products purchased by Registered Customers in the Brand Representative’s Consumer Group. See Section 2.2.
Building Bonus Percentage: A percentage used to calculate the Building Bonus for each Building Block which ranges from 5% to 40% depending on the number of Building Blocks completed in a month. See Section 2.2.
Business Builder Position (BBP): A position placed directly below you on your first Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Executive Brand Director. See Addendum D for details.
Business Development Activity: Any activity that benefits, promotes, assists, or supports in any way the business, development, sales, or sponsorship of another Direct Sales Company, including but not limited to, selling products or services, promoting the business opportunity, appearing on behalf of the Direct Sales Company or one of its representatives, allowing your name to be used to market the Direct Sales Company, its products, services or opportunity, sponsoring or recruiting on behalf of the Direct Sales Company, acting as a member of the board of directors, as an officer, or a representative or distributor of the Direct Sales Company, an ownership interest, or any other beneficial interest, whether the interest is direct or indirect.
Company: Nu Skin, “we” or “us.”
Consumer Group: A group consisting of (1) you, (2) any of your Registered Customers, and (3) any Registered Customers they register and so on. Your Consumer Group will include the Consumer Groups of your Qualifying Brand Representatives. As a Qualifying Brand Representative or Brand Representative, you are expected to service and support your Qualifying Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups. A Brand Representative and their Consumer Group become part of your Team when they complete Qualification and their Consumer Group will no longer be part of your Consumer Group.
Direct Sales Company: A company that uses a sales force of independent contractors who sell products and services and that compensates the independent contractors through a single-level or multi-level compensation plan for (1) their own sales, and/or (2) the sales of other independent contractors who have signed up under the independent contractors to distribute the same products and services.
Flex Block: A Flex Block is a Building Block substitute that we use to hold your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 4 Building Blocks in a month. See Section 3.3.
G1 Brand Representative: See Generation below.
Generation: The levels in a Brand Representative’s Team. Every Brand Representative you directly lead and who is the first Brand Representative below you in your Team is your G1 Brand Representative. Your G1Brand Representatives directly lead those Brand Representatives who are on the first level below them, and these Brand Representatives are
Leadership Team: A G1 Brand Representative that meets certain Leadership Team Sales Volume benchmarks in a month.
Leadership Team Sales Volume: Leadership Team Sales Volume is the sum of Consumer Group Sales Volume in your G1-G6 for a given G1 Brand Representative.
Leading Bonus: A Bonus paid monthly to Brand Partners and Brand Directors based on the Commissionable Sales Value of Products purchased by the Consumer Groups in the Brand Partner’s or Brand Director’s Team. See Section 2.3.
Letter of Intent: A document or online notice that a Brand Affiliate submits to us to notify us of their intention to enter Qualification and become a Qualifying Brand Representative.
Maintenance: The requirement to complete at least four Building Blocks in a month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month. See Section 3.2.
Member: A customer who signs up with Nu Skin as a Member and can purchase Products from Nu Skin at the Member Price. Members do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other customers.
Member Price: The purchase price for Products for both Members and Brand Affiliates. The Member Price is set by the local market and may occasionally be adjusted for sales promotions and incentives.
Nu Skin: Nu Skin International, Inc., and its affiliates.
Person: An individual or business entity. A “business entity” is any business entity such as a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other form of business organization legally formed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized.
Personally Registered Customer: A Registered Customer who registered directly under you. A Registered Customer is not your Personally Registered Customer if they registered directly under another Brand Affiliate.
Policies and Procedures: A document that is part of the agreement between a Brand Affiliate and Nu Skin and sets forth certain policies and procedures related to a Brand Affiliate’s business.
Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP): An additional position placed directly below your BBP on your second Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director. See Addendum D for details.
Qualification: The process for a Brand Affiliate to become a Brand Representative. See Section 3.1.
Qualifying Brand Representative: A Brand Affiliate who (1) has submitted a Letter of Intent and has completed two Building Blocks (a Brand Affiliate is officially classified as a Qualifying Brand Representative after the next weekly Bonus calculation), and (2) is in the process of meeting the Qualification requirements. See Section 3.1.
Qualification Monthly Minimum: During the Qualification Period you must complete at least 2 Building Blocks each month, except the month you complete the Qualification Requirements. See Section 3.1.
Qualification Requirements: During the Qualification Period you must complete 12 Building Blocks (4 of which must be Sharing Blocks) See Section 3.1.
Registered Customer: A Person who purchases Products directly from the Company for personal consumption or resale. Bonuses are paid on a Registered Customer’s Product purchases. Your right to earn a specific Bonus on a Registered Customer’s purchase depends on the eligibility requirements of each Bonus, including whether they are a Personally Registered Customer. Every Registered Customer is supported by a Brand Affiliate. There are three types of Registered Customers:
- Retail Customers,
- Members, and
- Brand Affiliates.
Restart: The process that gives former Brand Representatives the opportunity to reclaim their sales network (as if they had not lost their Brand Representative status). See Section 3.4 and Addendum C.
Retailing Bonus: The difference between (1) the retail price paid by your Retail Customer after any discounts (excluding shipping costs and taxes) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price. See Section 2.1.
Retail Customers: Any Registered Customers who purchase at a retail price. The Bonus on a Retail Customer’s Product purchase is paid to the Brand Affiliate who is identified as the seller at the time of the specific Product order. For purposes of this Plan, an unregistered customer is not included in the definition of Retail Customers. Retail Customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
Sales Volume: A point value set for each Product used to compare the relative value of Products across various currencies and markets to measure qualification for various performance benchmarks, including Sharing Blocks, Building Blocks, and Leadership Team Sales Volume, and quantify the Product sales in your Consumer Group and Team. Sales Volume is adjusted from time to time as the Company deems necessary. Sales Volume is different from Commissionable Sales Value. You can obtain information regarding the Sales Volume and other sales compensation related information for each Product by signing in to your market’s Brand Affiliate website.
Sharing Block: A subset of Building Blocks. Sharing Blocks consist of 500 points of Sales Volume that are only derived from purchases made by Personally Registered Customers in your Consumer Group excluding Brand Representatives. Your personal purchases do not count towards Sharing Blocks. Sharing Blocks are only applicable to Qualification Requirements. See Section 3.1.
Sharing Bonus: The Bonus paid daily on Product purchases by your Personally Registered Customers (Brand Representatives keep the Sharing Bonus on their own purchases). The Sharing Bonus percentage is determined by the local market and can be adjusted in the Company’s discretion. It will vary depending on the Product. Not all Products will pay a Sharing Bonus, and in some markets the Sharing Bonus may be discounted. The market will provide Product pricing information to all Brand Affiliates regarding the Sharing Bonus of each Product. See Section 2.1.
Team: Your Team consists of all Generations on which you are eligible to be paid a Leading Bonus. Your Title determines the number of Generations of Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups on your Team, as shown in the Velocity Title Determination table. Your Team does not include your Consumer Group.
Title: Titles are achieved as a Brand Representative based on your number of G1 Brand Representatives and Leadership Teams. Your Title determines the number of Generations on which you can earn a Leading Bonus.
Velocity Account: A digital account found in Volumes & Genealogies that reflects all your Bonuses, payments and adjustments. A Velocity Account is automatically created for you when you become a Brand Affiliate. Velocity Accounts do not accrue interest. You can transfer your total available balance from your Velocity Account to your designated financial institution account at any time. Transfers that you initiate do not have a minimum balance requirement. However, you are responsible for all fees associated with any transfer you initiate. Fees may be charged by the receiving financial institution, and also include a service fee by Nu Skin. Nu Skin automatically transfers your remaining Velocity Account balance free of charge at the start of each weekly and monthly pay period. There is a $10 minimum balance required for automated transfers from the Company.
Volumes & Genealogy: An information system that provides information related to your Brand Affiliate Account, including your Product purchases, sales network, Bonuses, goal setting, reporting, recognition and more. You can log into Volumes & Genealogy by logging into or My Nu Skin app.
The following provides additional information related to Qualification as a Brand Representative, including important dates, Maintenance, Bonuses and other details.
There are three important dates related to Qualification as a Brand Representative that are reflected in V&G.
If your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th, 15th or 22nd of a month, then you do not need to meet Maintenance for that month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative. However, if you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the first day of the next month, and you must meet Maintenance for that next month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative (e.g., complete Qualification the 4th week of May, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is June 1st, and you must meet Maintenance in June).
You will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of the month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th and you will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after the 8th. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after the 1st of that next month.
You can earn a Building Bonus on new Building Blocks that you begin on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. These Building Blocks must be based on Product purchases on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of the month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th and you can begin earning a Building Bonus based on Product purchases on or after the 8th. You will not earn a Building Bonus based on any Product purchases between the 4th and the 7th or earlier that month. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you begin earning a Building Bonus based new Product purchases on or after the 1st of that next month.
After your Brand Representative Promotion Date, your Sales Volume will no longer contribute to the Building Blocks of your direct upline Brand Representative. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 20th, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 22nd. Your Sales Volume through the 21st will count toward your direct Brand Representative’s Building Blocks, but your Sales Volume on new Product purchases on the 22nd through the end of month will not. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st day of the next month and your Sales Volume in the month you completed Qualification will count toward your direct upline Brand Representative’s Building Block volume for that month.
You are eligible to earn a Leading Bonus after your Brand Representative Promotion Date if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th of that month and you can begin earning a Leading Bonus for that month if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements in the remaining weeks of that month. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you can begin earning a Leading Bonus for that next month if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements for that next month.
To keep someone from your Consumer Group in your sales network: (1) your Brand Representative Qualification Date must be in the same month or earlier than the Brand Representative Date of the Brand Affiliate in your Consumer Group, and (2) finish Qualification within your Qualification Period.
EXAMPLE: The following illustrates the importance of dates related to Qualification when you and a Brand Affiliate in your Consumer Group attempt Qualification at the same time.
- Brand Representative Jane registers you with Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate. When you register Brian as a Brand Affiliate, he becomes part of your Consumer Group. You and Brian each decide you want to qualify as Brand Representatives.
- Brian completes Qualification on January 17th and leaves your Consumer Group as he advances to temporarily become a Brand Representative on Jane’s 1st Generation and she captures Brian’s volume for her Leading Bonus. Although Brian completed Qualification on January 17th, his Brand Representative Date is the first day of the month he completes Qualification, which would be January 1st.
- You submit your Letter of Intent on January 9th and complete the Qualification Monthly Minimum of 2 Building Blocks on January 28th. Your Brand Representative Qualification Date is January 1st.
- You complete the Qualification Requirements within the Qualification Period on June 15th and leave Jane’s Consumer Group and advance to become a Brand Representative on Jane’s 1st Generation. Your Brand Representative Date is June 1st. Although Brian has already advanced to become a Brand Representative, he will be now be on your 1st Generation.
If you did not complete your first month of Qualification requirements prior to or in the same month that Brian finished Qualification, or if you failed to complete Qualification within your Qualification Period, then Brian would remain on Jane’s 1st Generation and would not be part of your Consumer Group or future Team if you later became a Brand Representative.
The Company has the right to adjust Bonuses paid to you as described in the Policies and Procedures, including adjustments based on the return of Products by you or others who were in your Consumer Group or Team. The calculation and recovery of Bonus adjustments from Product returns will depend on the type of Bonus, when the Products are returned and who returned the Products.
Your Bonuses will be adjusted for Product returns as follows:
When you or others who were in your Consumer Group or Team at the time of purchase return Products, the Company will recover any Sharing and Retailing Bonuses you received on those Products.
When you or others who were in your Consumer Group at the time of purchase return Products, your Building Bonus will be adjusted as follows:
In addition, when you return Products, your Building Bonus on incomplete Building Blocks will be adjusted.
When someone who was on your Team at the time of purchase returns Products, the Company will recover any Leading Bonus you received on those Products. In addition, when you return Products, your Leading Bonus will be adjusted if the decrease in Sales Volume changes your Leading Bonus calculation for the month you received the Leading Bonus for that Product.
If no Bonus has been paid on returned Products, then no Bonus recovery is necessary. If a Bonus has been paid on Products that are subsequently returned, any positive adjustment will be added to your future Bonuses and the Company will recover any negative adjustments as follows:
If you return Products that you personally purchased, your Bonuses will be adjusted, and any negative adjustment will be recovered as a deduction from your refund.
If someone else in your Consumer Group or Team returns Products that they purchased, your Bonuses will be adjusted, and any negative adjustments will be recovered as a deduction from your future Bonuses.
EXAMPLE: The following illustrates the impact of Commissionable Sales Value on the adjustment of your Building Bonus.
Week 1: You complete 1 Building Block with 500 points of Sales Volume that has Commissionable Sales Value of 500. This Building Block includes 150 points of Sales Volume from Products purchased by a Member in your Consumer Group.
Week 2: You sell Products with 300 points of Sales Volume, but with a lower Commissionable Sales Value of 200. In Week 2, the Member who purchased Products with 150 points of Sales Volume in Week 1 returns all of the Products.
End of Week 2: We recalculate your Week 1 Building Bonus:

Restart is a process that gives former Brand Representatives the opportunity to reclaim their sales network (as if they had not lost Brand Representative status). The following provides additional information regarding the use, benefits and terms of Restart.
If you lose your Brand Representative status and want to begin the Restart process, you must:
The example below illustrates how Restart works for a period of six consecutive months.

*If you complete Qualification in a prior week (Week 1, 2 or 3 of August), then you would advance in August, not September. Likewise, the same promotion process applies if you complete Qualification prior to August.
If you do not finish Restart within this 6-month period, you will permanently lose the chance to reclaim any unused Flex Blocks and your sales network.
When you complete Restart within the required time frame, you:
- Become a Brand Representative again;
- Become eligible to keep the Sharing Bonus on your own purchases;
- Become eligible for the Building Bonus;
- Become eligible for the Leading Bonus (assuming you satisfy the other requirements for the Leading Bonus);
- Reclaim your sales network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status) and the Company restores your Brand Representative Date; and
- Receive 3 new Flex Blocks and reclaim any previously unused Flex Blocks.
If a Brand Representative drops to Brand Affiliate within the first three months of advancing to a Brand Representative, any unallotted Flex Blocks will not be automatically allotted once Restart is completed.
When you lose your Brand Representative status, you also lose your Brand Representative Date. When you successfully complete Restart, your original Brand Representative Date is restored.
If you used Executive Re-entry before the launch of Velocity in your market or Restart under Velocity, you will not be eligible to use Restart unless you submit a new Letter of Intent and acquire a new Brand Representative Date. This will result in you forfeiting any claim to Brand Representatives who were promoted prior to your Brand Representative Qualification Date.
If you lose your status as a Brand Representative for a second time, you are not eligible to Restart and will permanently lose your sales network (it moves up a Generation in your upline Brand Representative’s sales network). However, even if Restart is no longer available, you can begin Qualification again at any time and build a new sales network.
As you build and lead your Team as an Executive Brand Director and a Presidential Director, you can qualify for a Business Builder Position (BBP) and a Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP). These additional positions are treated as a single account with your Brand Affiliate Account. Please contact your local market for details regarding recognition and trip requirements, which may differ from the requirements of this Plan.
The BBP is a position placed directly below you on your first Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Executive Brand Director.
The Presidential Director BBP is an additional position placed directly below your BBP on your second Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP are part of your Brand Affiliate Account and may not be sold or transferred separately.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not count as G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account.
EXAMPLE: If your Brand Affiliate Account has 6 G1 Brand Representatives and 1 Leadership Team with 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and your BBP has 2 Leadership Teams with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume and 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, respectively, your Title will be Executive Brand Director.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP each have their own Consumer Groups. Eligible Consumer Group Sales Volume from your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP will count collectively only for maintaining your Brand Representative status, determining your Building Blocks, Building Bonus Percentage and the method for calculating the Leading Bonus.
As an Executive Brand Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six
Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:
As a Presidential Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP, and (c) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Presidential Director BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:
EXAMPLE: If a line of a G1 Brand Representative of your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved to your Brand Affiliate Account at the beginning of February based on your January sales performance, then the six-month period runs from February through July. In August, if you have not (1) replaced the required G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account, and (2) requested that the line be moved back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP, then the line will permanently remain on the 1st Generation of your Brand Affiliate Account.
A line of a G1 Brand Representative of your Presidential Director BBP cannot be moved by you or the Company to your BBP. However, please contact your Account Manager for important differences on this issue if you qualify for a specific exception to Velocity Title Determination.
As described above, a BBP is placed directly below an eligible Executive Brand Director on their first Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP of an eligible Executive Brand Director will be one Generation lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Executive Brand Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the BBP would be on the third Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its third Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director or Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.
As described above, a Presidential Director BBP is placed directly below an eligible Presidential Director on their second Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP of an eligible Presidential Director will be two Generations lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Presidential Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the Presidential Director BBP would be on the fourth Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its fourth Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director, but does meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the BBP, and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.
For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director or Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, then the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up two Generations in your sales network for that month.
Unless the Brand Affiliate Account has lost its Brand Representative status and is a Brand Affiliate, for purposes of determining Leadership Teams for you and your upline Brand Representatives in a month, the Brand Affiliate Account’s BBP and Presidential Director BBP remain on its first and second Generations respectively.
Effective July 31st 2024 to July 31st 2024
DownloadTable of Contents
Velocity by Nu Skin® (“Velocity”) is designed to reward you for:
Sharing our Products by introducing new customers to Nu Skin;
Building and servicing your Consumer Group; and
Leading other Brand Representatives as they build and service their own Consumer Groups.
This Sales Performance Plan (this “Plan”) sets forth the terms and conditions for the sales compensation you can receive through Velocity. We encourage you to carefully read this Plan and refer to the Glossary for further definition of capitalized terms.
There are five levels of participation under Velocity:
Qualifying Brand Representatives are Brand Affiliates who have elected to qualify as a Brand Representative and are in the process of building a Consumer Group and meeting the Qualification requirements to become a Brand Representative.
Brand Representatives are Brand Affiliates who have successfully completed Qualification and have not lost their Brand Representative status.
Brand Partners are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading one or more other Brand Representatives.
Brand Directors are Brand Representatives who have developed and are leading four or more other Brand Representatives, and one or more Leadership Teams.
You can elect to begin Qualification to become a Brand Representative when you join Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate or anytime thereafter.
There are three types of customers who can purchase Products but do not participate in Velocity:
Unregistered customers purchase Products directly from a Brand Affiliate at the price offered by the Brand Affiliate. Unregistered customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
Retail Customers sign up with Nu Skin as a Retail Customer to purchase Products directly from Nu Skin at the published retail price, subject to any discounts that may be offered by or facilitated by Nu Skin. Retail Customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
You can receive the following Bonuses based on your participation level:
Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus | ||||
Building Bonus | ||||
Leading Bonus |
The Sharing Bonus compensates you for Product purchases by your Personally Registered Customers.
IMPORTANT NOTE – SHARING BONUS: You will not be paid a Sharing Bonus on the following:
- Purchases by Brand Representatives.
- Your own purchases, including purchases for resale to unregistered customers, unless you are a Brand Representative.
- Purchases by your Registered Customers who are not your Personally Registered Customers (i.e., a Registered Customer who became your Registered Customer due to the inactivity of the Brand Affiliate who registered them).
The Retailing Bonus compensates you for Product purchases by your Retail Customers.
The difference between (1) the retail price paid by your Retail Customer after any discounts (excluding shipping costs and taxes) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price.
- You earn the Retailing Bonus on purchases by all your Retail Customers, regardless of whether they are your Personally Registered Customers.
The Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus will generally be recorded in your Velocity Account (found in your “Volumes & Genealogy” tool) within one business day following the purchase.
To be eligible to receive the Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus, you must be a Brand Affiliate.
As a Brand Representative, in addition to the Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus, you can also earn a Building Bonus. The Building Bonus compensates you weekly for building your Consumer Group,
providing customer service to them, and assisting Brand Affiliates and Qualifying Brand Representatives
in the promotion of Products to their customers.
BUILDING BLOCKS: A Building Block is 500 points of Sales Volume from your Consumer Group. The number of Building Blocks you complete will determine the percentages used to calculate your Building Bonus. Your number of Building Blocks resets to zero after each month, so your first 500 points of Sales Volume in a new month will result in your first Building Block for that month. If you have an incomplete Building Block at the end of the month, it will not carry forward to the next month.
The Building Bonus is a percentage of the Commissionable Sales Value of your Consumer Group’s Product purchases that starts at 5% on your first Building Block and scales up to 40% on your 16th Building Block and beyond, as illustrated in the following diagram.
The Building Bonus for each Building Block is calculated by multiplying:
IMPORTANT NOTE – BUILDING BONUS PERCENTAGE: The Building Bonus Percentage for a specific Building Block is limited to that specific Building Block and is not applied to previous Building Blocks. For example, you earn 5% on the Commissionable Sales Value of your first two Building Blocks and 10% on the Commissionable Sales Value of your third Building Block (but you do not earn 10% on your first two Building Blocks) in a month.
EXAMPLE: Assuming the Commissionable Sales Value for each Building Block was $500, the Building Bonus for your first Building Block would be $25, and the Building Bonus for your 8th Building Block would be $175.
If Flex Blocks are used to hold your Brand Representative status, you will only be eligible for a Building Bonus on any completed Building Blocks and no Bonus is paid on Flex Blocks. See Section 3.3.
Four times a month, we pay you a Building Bonus for any newly completed Building Blocks through the end of each weekly period. Your Building Bonus will generally be recorded in your Velocity Account within one business day following the end of the weekly period.
D. Eligibility
To be eligible to receive a Building Bonus, you must be a Brand Representative. If you lose your status as a Brand Representative, you will not be eligible for a Building Bonus, effective the following month. See Section 3.2 for more details.
IMPORTANT NOTE – INCOMPLETE BUILDING BLOCKS: If you have completed 4 or more Building Blocks by the end of the month, you will be paid a Building Bonus on any Commissionable Sales Value from an incomplete Building Block using the same Building Bonus Percentage applicable to the last completed Building Block.
EXAMPLE: If you have completed 6 blocks and part of your 7th block in a given month, you will be paid a 25% Building Bonus on the Commissionable Sales Value of your 7th Building Block.
When you become a Brand Partner or Brand Director, in addition to receiving the Sharing, Retailing and Building Bonuses, you will earn a Leading Bonus for developing and leading other Brand Representatives. This involves helping your Brand Affiliates qualify as new Brand Representatives, and motivating, directing, and training the Brand Representatives who you directly lead in your Team (referred to as your G1 Brand Representatives).
As your G1 Brand Representatives develop into Brand Partners and Brand Directors, your role evolves. In addition to developing other Brand Representatives, you will lead a Team that includes Brand Representatives on other Generations (e.g., G2, G3 etc.), as they work to develop their own Consumer Groups and increase Product sales. The Leading Bonus is designed to maximize the Bonus paid to you based on the changing composition of your Team and your development and leadership focus.
TEAM: Your Team consists of all Generations on which you are eligible to be paid a Leading Bonus. Your Title determines the number of Generations of Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups on your Team, as shown in the Velocity Title Determination table. Your Team does not include your Consumer Group.
Your Title and your Team are based on your performance. As you demonstrate the ability to develop Brand Representatives and help them build their Consumer Groups and drive sales through their Teams, your Team will expand to include more Generations of Brand Representatives.
G1 BRAND REPRESENTATIVES: Every Brand Representative you directly lead and who is the first Brand Representative below you in your Team is your G1 Brand Representative.
LEADERSHIP TEAM SALES VOLUME: Leadership Team Sales Volume is the sum of Consumer Group Sales Volume in your G1-G6 for a given G1 Brand Representative.
Your Title and the number of Generations of Brand Representatives included in your Team is based on your number of G1 Brand Representatives and Leadership Teams, as set forth in the following Velocity Title Determination table:

*To be eligible to be paid on Generations 3-6 you must not be involved in Business Development Activities for another Direct Sales Company.
To incentivize Brand Partners and Brand Directors to continue to build and maintain Product sales within their own Consumer Groups, the method of calculating the Leading Bonus is based on the number of Building Blocks that you complete in your own Consumer Group during the month.
- Developing G1 Brand Representatives
- Leading a Team

C. Paid Monthly
Following the end of each month, we calculate your Leading Bonus. The Leading Bonus is generally recorded in your Velocity Account within one business day following the end of the monthly Bonus calculation and is automatically transferred to the financial institution that you select.
To be eligible to receive a Leading Bonus:
You are not eligible for a Leading Bonus for a month that we hold your Brand Representative status or you lose your Brand Representative status. See Section 3.2 for more details.
As a Brand Affiliate you may elect to qualify as a Brand Representative by submitting a Letter of Intent to Nu Skin. You can find the Letter of Intent form by signing in to your market’s Brand Affiliate website.
On the date you elect to qualify as a Brand Representative, your Qualification Period begins. The Qualification Period is up to six consecutive months, inclusive of the month you make your election. For example, if you elect on January 25th to qualify as a Brand Representative, your Qualification Period would be January through June. The Qualification Period ends on the earlier of:
Qualification Requirements: Complete 12 Building Blocks (4 of which must be Sharing Blocks) during the Qualification Period. Alternatively, if you submit a Letter of Intent from December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019, you may complete the Qualification Requirements by completing 10 Building Blocks (4 being Sharing Blocks), with at least 10 different Retail Customers, Members or Brand Affiliates in your Group, within 3 consecutive months. If you do not complete these Qualification Requirements under this alternative, you can still complete the Qualification Requirements by completing 12 Building Blocks (4 being Sharing Blocks), within 6 consecutive calendar months.
For example, if you had a total of 11 Building Blocks (assuming four of them are Sharing Blocks) during the first three months of the Qualification Period, you would qualify as a Brand Representative the fourth month after completing the last Building Block needed to finish your Qualification Requirements, even though you did not have two Building Blocks that month.
IMPORTANT NOTE – IMPACT OF INCOMPLETE BUILDING BLOCKS DURING QUALIFICATION: Sales Volume from an incomplete Building Block in a given month does not count toward the next month’s Qualification Monthly Minimum. However, Sales Volume from incomplete Building Blocks or Sharing Blocks in a given month does count toward your Qualification Requirements.
SHARING BLOCKS: Sharing Blocks are a special type of Building Block that only apply to Qualification Requirements. Sharing Blocks consist of 500 points of Sales Volume from Product purchases made by your Personally Registered Customers in your Consumer Group (excluding Brand Representatives). Sales Volume from your personal Product purchases is not included in your Sharing Blocks.
When you complete the Qualification Requirements, you are promoted to a Brand Representative on the first day of the next weekly period (the 8th, 15th, or 22nd of that month, or on the 1st of the next month) and are eligible to start earning the Building Bonus for all purchases by your Consumer Group after you advance.
If someone from your Consumer Group is also in Qualification, they will only become part of your Team if you: (1) complete your first Qualification month in the same month or earlier than the month they complete their Qualification Requirements, and (2) finish Qualification within your Qualification Period, otherwise they will not be part of your Team going forward and you will not earn any compensation from their sales activity. See Addendum A for more details.
If you do not meet the Qualification Monthly Minimum each month during the Qualification Period, your Qualification is terminated, effective the following month. If you do not satisfy the Qualification Requirements within the Qualification Period, your Qualification terminates, effective the following month. In either case, if you want to qualify as a Brand Representative you need to submit a new Letter of Intent and begin Qualification again.
Your status as a Brand Representative is maintained, held or lost based on your sales performance each month.
If you complete at least four Building Blocks in a month, you meet Maintenance and maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month.
If you (1) complete at least one Building Block in a month, and (2) have sufficient Flex Blocks (described below) available to make up the difference in required Building Blocks (e.g., 2 Building Blocks plus 2 Flex Blocks), then we automatically apply any available Flex Blocks to hold your status as a Brand Representative for that month.
If you (1) do not complete any Building Blocks in a month, or (2) do not have enough Flex Blocks available to make up for the missing required Building Blocks in a month, then you lose your Brand Representative status and become a Brand Affiliate effective the first day of the next month.
EXAMPLE: If you complete one Building Block and do not have any available Flex Blocks in June, then for applicable June Sales Volume, (1) you are ineligible for a Leading Bonus, and (2) you are ineligible for a Building Bonus on incomplete Building Blocks. In addition, you become a Brand Affiliate effective July 1st. However, you are still eligible for the Sharing Bonus (including the Sharing Bonus on your own purchases), Retailing Bonus and Building Bonus (on the one completed Building Block) for June sales.
To maintain your status as a Brand Representative, you must begin meeting Maintenance in the first full month following the completion of your Qualification Requirements. See Addendum A for more details.
When you meet Maintenance or we hold your status as a Brand Representative in a month, you count as a G1 Brand Representative in your upline Brand Representative’s Team. If you lose your Brand Representative status, then you revert to a Brand Affiliate and do not count as a G1 Brand Representative, effective the following month (e.g., if you lose Brand Representative status during the month of June because you do not complete enough Building Blocks and do not have enough Flex Blocks available, then your lost Brand Representative status becomes effective July 1st and you are a Brand Affiliate and will no longer count as a G1 Brand Representative).
A Flex Block is a Building Block substitute that we use to hold your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 4 Building Blocks in a month. Flex Blocks do not provide Sales Volume or Commissionable Sales Value and no Bonus is paid on Flex Blocks. Flex Blocks have no monetary value and cannot ever be redeemed for cash. Flex Blocks do not expire and there is no limit to the number of Flex Blocks you can accumulate; provided, however, that any accumulated Flex Blocks will be forfeited if you lose your Brand Representative status or your Brand Affiliate Account is terminated.
You are allotted Flex Blocks as a new Brand Representative and each following year. At the beginning of your 1st full month as a new Brand Representative, you are allotted 3 Flex Blocks. In your 2nd month, you are allotted 2 more Flex Blocks. In your 3rd month as a Brand Representative, you are allotted a single additional Flex Block, for a total of six. Each following year, you are allotted an additional 3 Flex Blocks
in your anniversary month as a Brand Representative. The Flex Blocks will be reflected in your Volumes & Genealogy.
If you lose your status as a Brand Representative, then Restart is the process that gives you six months to become a Brand Representative again and reclaim your former sales network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status). See Addendum C for more details on Restart.
To remain eligible for Bonuses, you must have Product sales to five different unregistered customers, Retail Customers or Members each month. You must notify the Company immediately if you do not meet this requirement. The Company will also randomly survey Brand Affiliates to confirm compliance with this requirement.
Bonuses will be calculated on a daily, weekly and monthly schedule, as determined by Nu Skin, and recorded in your Velocity Account.
When calculating your Bonuses, the Commissionable Sales Values from Product sales from different markets are exchanged into your local currency using the previous month’s average daily exchange rate. For example, in determining the base used to calculate your Bonuses on March sales, the Company would use February’s average daily exchange rate.
This version of the Plan applies only to Brand Affiliates who have a Canada Brand Affiliate ID. Velocity offers you the opportunity to receive Bonuses on sales in all our global markets, except where foreign participation is restricted (contact your account manager for specific markets). If you have a Canada Brand Affiliate ID, your Bonus eligibility and benchmarks will be governed by the terms of this version of the Plan, even if members of your Team have a Brand Affiliate ID from other markets.
EXAMPLE: If you are a Brand Representative with a Canada Brand Affiliate ID and you register a Member in Australia and the Member purchases some Products through the Australia website, then you will be paid the Sharing Bonus amount that the Australia market has set for those Products. If an individual (a) signs up as your Personally Registered Customer, and (b) is in your Consumer Group when they purchase Products in the Australia market, then those Product purchases will have the (1) Sharing Bonus, (2) Sales Volume, and (3) Commissionable Sales Value amounts that the Australia market has set for those Products. The Australia Sharing Bonus amount and Commissionable Sales Value will be exchanged into Canada currency when the Company calculates your Bonuses. The local market can provide you with information regarding the Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, Sharing Bonus, pricing and other sales compensation related information for each Product in that market.
Velocity does not apply to our Mainland China business, which operates under a different business model.
The Company has the right to recover Bonuses paid to you as published in the Policies and Procedures, including the recovery of Bonuses from the return of Products. The timing and method of recovery will depend on the Bonus, when the Product is returned, and who is returning the Products. See Addendum B for more details. A summary of the refund policy can be found at
Promotion to Brand Representative occurs weekly. Other Title promotions and demotions occur only during the monthly Bonus calculations and will be reflected in your Volumes & Genealogy on or before the 5th of each month. See Addendum A for more details on Title promotion and demotion timing and the impact on Bonuses.
We may adjust retail price, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value, Member Price, Sharing Bonus and Retailing Bonus for promotions. Please see your market’s Product pricing and promotion announcements regarding any discounts and their impact on pricing, Bonuses, Sales Volume, Commissionable Sales Value and other sales compensation related information for each Product.
In addition to sales compensation available through Velocity, you can also earn (1) retail profit from your sale of products directly to your consumers; (2) compensation from other sales incentives; and (3) incentive trips, or other non-cash rewards.
Upon termination of your Brand Affiliate Account you lose all rights and benefits as a Brand Affiliate, including any rights to your Brand Affiliate Account identification number, Consumer Group, Team, sales network, Sales Volume generated by either your Consumer Group or Team, and Bonuses.
The Company has the right, for as long as reasonably necessary, to delay any movement of a Brand Affiliate Account and any part of its Consumer Group or sales network up in the sales network or to a different sales network.
If there are any discrepancies between the terms and conditions set forth in the Plan for your market and any marketing materials or other related content, the Plan for your market will control. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if there are any discrepancies between the English version of this Plan and any translation of it, the English version will control.
The Company may, in its sole discretion waive or modify any requirements, terms or conditions of this Plan (collectively “Plan Exceptions”). The Company may grant Plan Exceptions to (1) an individual Brand Affiliate Account, or (2) any number of accounts, including by Team or market. The granting of a Plan Exception to a Brand Affiliate Account does not obligate the Company to grant a Plan Exception to any other Brand Affiliate Account. Any Plan Exception requires the express written consent of an authorized officer of the Company. The Company has no obligation to provide upline Brand Representatives written notice of any Plan Exceptions within their Team.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by an authorized officer of the Company, the Company may terminate a Plan Exception that has been previously granted at any time and for any reason regardless of the length of time the exception has been operative. If a Plan Exception has been granted to a specific Brand Affiliate, then the Plan Exception is personal to the specific Brand Affiliate and the Company.
Except as otherwise provided in a written and executed Plan Exception or an authorized Company officer has provided prior written approval, the Plan Exception will terminate upon the transfer of the Brand Affiliate Account regardless of the form of transfer (e.g., sale, assignment, transfer, bequest, by operation of law or otherwise), and any such transfer will be void.
Terms in this Plan, including Titles, may differ from previous terms and may be revised without prior notice.
We can modify this Plan at any time in our sole discretion. If we change this Plan, we will provide you with 30 days’ notice prior to the change becoming effective.
To qualify for Bonuses, you must comply with the requirements of this Plan, Brand Affiliate Agreement and Policies and Procedures.
Any reference to a “month” means a calendar month. Any reference to a “week” or “weekly” or “weekly period” means a 7-day period beginning on the 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd day of each month, provided, however, that the fourth week of each month runs through the end of the month. Bonus calculations are based on Mountain Standard Time in Provo, Utah, Canada of America(Coordinated Universal Time [UTC-7]).
Brand Affiliate Account: A Brand Affiliate’s Nu Skin account.
Brand Director: A general category including all Brand Representatives with a Title of Brand Director, Senior Brand Director, Executive Brand Director, or Presidential Director.
Brand Partner: A general category including all Brand Representatives with a Title of Brand Partner, Senior Brand Partner, or Executive Brand Partner.
Brand Representative: A Brand Affiliate who has successfully completed Qualification and who has not lost their Brand Representative status. The term Brand Representative will also be used as a general reference for all Titles of Brand Representative and above. For example, an Executive Brand Partner or Senior Brand Director will be referred to as a Brand Representative as a general reference when talking about all Brand Representatives.
Brand Representative Date: The first day of the month that a Qualifying Brand Representative completes Qualification. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 1, 2 or 3 of a month, the Brand Representative Date will be the first day of that month. For Qualifying Brand Representatives that complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, the Brand Representative Date will be the first day of the following month. See Addendum A for details.
Brand Representative Promotion Date: The first day of the weekly period following a Brand Representative’s completion of Qualification and advancement to Brand Representative. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 1, 2 or 3 of a month, the Brand Representative Promotion Date will be the 8th, 15th and 22nd of that month, respectively. For a Qualifying Brand Representative that completes Qualification in week 4 of a month, the Brand Representative Promotion Date will be the first day of the following month. See Addendum A for details.
Brand Representative Qualification Date: The first day of the month in which a Qualifying Brand Representative submits a Letter of Intent and completes the monthly requirement of 2 Building Blocks. See Addendum A for details.
Building Block: A measurement of Sales Volume. A Building Block is only considered complete when it has 500 points of Sales Volume. A Building Block with less than 500 points of Sales Volume is referred to as incomplete. See Section 2.2.
Building Bonus: A Bonus paid weekly to Brand Representatives based on the Commissionable Sales Value of Products purchased by Registered Customers in the Brand Representative’s Consumer Group. See Section 2.2.
Building Bonus Percentage: A percentage used to calculate the Building Bonus for each Building Block which ranges from 5% to 40% depending on the number of Building Blocks completed in a month. See Section 2.2.
Business Builder Position (BBP): A position placed directly below you on your first Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Executive Brand Director. See Addendum D for details.
Business Development Activity: Any activity that benefits, promotes, assists, or supports in any way the business, development, sales, or sponsorship of another Direct Sales Company, including but not limited to, selling products or services, promoting the business opportunity, appearing on behalf of the Direct Sales Company or one of its representatives, allowing your name to be used to market the Direct Sales Company, its products, services or opportunity, sponsoring or recruiting on behalf of the Direct Sales Company, acting as a member of the board of directors, as an officer, or a representative or distributor of the Direct Sales Company, an ownership interest, or any other beneficial interest, whether the interest is direct or indirect.
Company: Nu Skin, “we” or “us.”
Consumer Group: A group consisting of (1) you, (2) any of your Registered Customers, and (3) any Registered Customers they register and so on. Your Consumer Group will include the Consumer Groups of your Qualifying Brand Representatives. As a Qualifying Brand Representative or Brand Representative, you are expected to service and support your Qualifying Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups. A Brand Representative and their Consumer Group become part of your Team when they complete Qualification and their Consumer Group will no longer be part of your Consumer Group.
Direct Sales Company: A company that uses a sales force of independent contractors who sell products and services and that compensates the independent contractors through a single-level or multi-level compensation plan for (1) their own sales, and/or (2) the sales of other independent contractors who have signed up under the independent contractors to distribute the same products and services.
Flex Block: A Flex Block is a Building Block substitute that we use to hold your status as a Brand Representative if you do not complete at least 4 Building Blocks in a month. See Section 3.3.
G1 Brand Representative: See Generation below.
Generation: The levels in a Brand Representative’s Team. Every Brand Representative you directly lead and who is the first Brand Representative below you in your Team is your G1 Brand Representative. Your G1Brand Representatives directly lead those Brand Representatives who are on the first level below them, and these Brand Representatives are
Leadership Team: A G1 Brand Representative that meets certain Leadership Team Sales Volume benchmarks in a month.
Leadership Team Sales Volume: Leadership Team Sales Volume is the sum of Consumer Group Sales Volume in your G1-G6 for a given G1 Brand Representative.
Leading Bonus: A Bonus paid monthly to Brand Partners and Brand Directors based on the Commissionable Sales Value of Products purchased by the Consumer Groups in the Brand Partner’s or Brand Director’s Team. See Section 2.3.
Letter of Intent: A document or online notice that a Brand Affiliate submits to us to notify us of their intention to enter Qualification and become a Qualifying Brand Representative.
Maintenance: The requirement to complete at least four Building Blocks in a month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative for that month. See Section 3.2.
Member: A customer who signs up with Nu Skin as a Member and can purchase Products from Nu Skin at the Member Price. Members do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other customers.
Member Price: The purchase price for Products for both Members and Brand Affiliates. The Member Price is set by the local market and may occasionally be adjusted for sales promotions and incentives.
Nu Skin: Nu Skin International, Inc., and its affiliates.
Person: An individual or business entity. A “business entity” is any business entity such as a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other form of business organization legally formed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized.
Personally Registered Customer: A Registered Customer who registered directly under you. A Registered Customer is not your Personally Registered Customer if they registered directly under another Brand Affiliate.
Policies and Procedures: A document that is part of the agreement between a Brand Affiliate and Nu Skin and sets forth certain policies and procedures related to a Brand Affiliate’s business.
Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP): An additional position placed directly below your BBP on your second Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director. See Addendum D for details.
Qualification: The process for a Brand Affiliate to become a Brand Representative. See Section 3.1.
Qualifying Brand Representative: A Brand Affiliate who (1) has submitted a Letter of Intent and has completed two Building Blocks (a Brand Affiliate is officially classified as a Qualifying Brand Representative after the next weekly Bonus calculation), and (2) is in the process of meeting the Qualification requirements. See Section 3.1.
Qualification Monthly Minimum: During the Qualification Period you must complete at least 2 Building Blocks each month, except the month you complete the Qualification Requirements. See Section 3.1.
Qualification Requirements: During the Qualification Period you must complete 12 Building Blocks (4 of which must be Sharing Blocks) See Section 3.1.
Registered Customer: A Person who purchases Products directly from the Company for personal consumption or resale. Bonuses are paid on a Registered Customer’s Product purchases. Your right to earn a specific Bonus on a Registered Customer’s purchase depends on the eligibility requirements of each Bonus, including whether they are a Personally Registered Customer. Every Registered Customer is supported by a Brand Affiliate. There are three types of Registered Customers:
- Retail Customers,
- Members, and
- Brand Affiliates.
Restart: The process that gives former Brand Representatives the opportunity to reclaim their sales network (as if they had not lost their Brand Representative status). See Section 3.4 and Addendum C.
Retailing Bonus: The difference between (1) the retail price paid by your Retail Customer after any discounts (excluding shipping costs and taxes) when they purchase Products directly from Nu Skin and (2) the Member Price. See Section 2.1.
Retail Customers: Any Registered Customers who purchase at a retail price. The Bonus on a Retail Customer’s Product purchase is paid to the Brand Affiliate who is identified as the seller at the time of the specific Product order. For purposes of this Plan, an unregistered customer is not included in the definition of Retail Customers. Retail Customers do not participate in Velocity and cannot resell Products or register other Registered Customers.
Sales Volume: A point value set for each Product used to compare the relative value of Products across various currencies and markets to measure qualification for various performance benchmarks, including Sharing Blocks, Building Blocks, and Leadership Team Sales Volume, and quantify the Product sales in your Consumer Group and Team. Sales Volume is adjusted from time to time as the Company deems necessary. Sales Volume is different from Commissionable Sales Value. You can obtain information regarding the Sales Volume and other sales compensation related information for each Product by signing in to your market’s Brand Affiliate website.
Sharing Block: A subset of Building Blocks. Sharing Blocks consist of 500 points of Sales Volume that are only derived from purchases made by Personally Registered Customers in your Consumer Group excluding Brand Representatives. Your personal purchases do not count towards Sharing Blocks. Sharing Blocks are only applicable to Qualification Requirements. See Section 3.1.
Sharing Bonus: The Bonus paid daily on Product purchases by your Personally Registered Customers (Brand Representatives keep the Sharing Bonus on their own purchases). The Sharing Bonus percentage is determined by the local market and can be adjusted in the Company’s discretion. It will vary depending on the Product. Not all Products will pay a Sharing Bonus, and in some markets the Sharing Bonus may be discounted. The market will provide Product pricing information to all Brand Affiliates regarding the Sharing Bonus of each Product. See Section 2.1.
Team: Your Team consists of all Generations on which you are eligible to be paid a Leading Bonus. Your Title determines the number of Generations of Brand Representatives and their Consumer Groups on your Team, as shown in the Velocity Title Determination table. Your Team does not include your Consumer Group.
Title: Titles are achieved as a Brand Representative based on your number of G1 Brand Representatives and Leadership Teams. Your Title determines the number of Generations on which you can earn a Leading Bonus.
Velocity Account: A digital account found in Volumes & Genealogies that reflects all your Bonuses, payments and adjustments. A Velocity Account is automatically created for you when you become a Brand Affiliate. Velocity Accounts do not accrue interest. You can transfer your total available balance from your Velocity Account to your designated financial institution account at any time. Transfers that you initiate do not have a minimum balance requirement. However, you are responsible for all fees associated with any transfer you initiate. Fees may be charged by the receiving financial institution, and also include a service fee by Nu Skin. Nu Skin automatically transfers your remaining Velocity Account balance free of charge at the start of each weekly and monthly pay period. There is a $10 minimum balance required for automated transfers from the Company.
Volumes & Genealogy: An information system that provides information related to your Brand Affiliate Account, including your Product purchases, sales network, Bonuses, goal setting, reporting, recognition and more. You can log into Volumes & Genealogy by logging into or My Nu Skin app.
The following provides additional information related to Qualification as a Brand Representative, including important dates, Maintenance, Bonuses and other details.
There are three important dates related to Qualification as a Brand Representative that are reflected in V&G.
If your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th, 15th or 22nd of a month, then you do not need to meet Maintenance for that month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative. However, if you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the first day of the next month, and you must meet Maintenance for that next month to maintain your status as a Brand Representative (e.g., complete Qualification the 4th week of May, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is June 1st, and you must meet Maintenance in June).
You will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of the month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th and you will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after the 8th. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you will be paid a Sharing Bonus on your Product purchases on or after the 1st of that next month.
You can earn a Building Bonus on new Building Blocks that you begin on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. These Building Blocks must be based on Product purchases on or after your Brand Representative Promotion Date. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of the month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th and you can begin earning a Building Bonus based on Product purchases on or after the 8th. You will not earn a Building Bonus based on any Product purchases between the 4th and the 7th or earlier that month. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you begin earning a Building Bonus based new Product purchases on or after the 1st of that next month.
After your Brand Representative Promotion Date, your Sales Volume will no longer contribute to the Building Blocks of your direct upline Brand Representative. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 20th, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 22nd. Your Sales Volume through the 21st will count toward your direct Brand Representative’s Building Blocks, but your Sales Volume on new Product purchases on the 22nd through the end of month will not. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st day of the next month and your Sales Volume in the month you completed Qualification will count toward your direct upline Brand Representative’s Building Block volume for that month.
You are eligible to earn a Leading Bonus after your Brand Representative Promotion Date if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements. For example, if you complete Qualification on the 3rd of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 8th of that month and you can begin earning a Leading Bonus for that month if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements in the remaining weeks of that month. If you complete Qualification in week 4 of a month, your Brand Representative Promotion Date is the 1st of the next month and you can begin earning a Leading Bonus for that next month if you meet the Leading Bonus requirements for that next month.
To keep someone from your Consumer Group in your sales network: (1) your Brand Representative Qualification Date must be in the same month or earlier than the Brand Representative Date of the Brand Affiliate in your Consumer Group, and (2) finish Qualification within your Qualification Period.
EXAMPLE: The following illustrates the importance of dates related to Qualification when you and a Brand Affiliate in your Consumer Group attempt Qualification at the same time.
- Brand Representative Jane registers you with Nu Skin as a Brand Affiliate. When you register Brian as a Brand Affiliate, he becomes part of your Consumer Group. You and Brian each decide you want to qualify as Brand Representatives.
- Brian completes Qualification on January 17th and leaves your Consumer Group as he advances to temporarily become a Brand Representative on Jane’s 1st Generation and she captures Brian’s volume for her Leading Bonus. Although Brian completed Qualification on January 17th, his Brand Representative Date is the first day of the month he completes Qualification, which would be January 1st.
- You submit your Letter of Intent on January 9th and complete the Qualification Monthly Minimum of 2 Building Blocks on January 28th. Your Brand Representative Qualification Date is January 1st.
- You complete the Qualification Requirements within the Qualification Period on June 15th and leave Jane’s Consumer Group and advance to become a Brand Representative on Jane’s 1st Generation. Your Brand Representative Date is June 1st. Although Brian has already advanced to become a Brand Representative, he will be now be on your 1st Generation.
If you did not complete your first month of Qualification requirements prior to or in the same month that Brian finished Qualification, or if you failed to complete Qualification within your Qualification Period, then Brian would remain on Jane’s 1st Generation and would not be part of your Consumer Group or future Team if you later became a Brand Representative.
The Company has the right to adjust Bonuses paid to you as described in the Policies and Procedures, including adjustments based on the return of Products by you or others who were in your Consumer Group or Team. The calculation and recovery of Bonus adjustments from Product returns will depend on the type of Bonus, when the Products are returned and who returned the Products.
Your Bonuses will be adjusted for Product returns as follows:
When you or others who were in your Consumer Group or Team at the time of purchase return Products, the Company will recover any Sharing and Retailing Bonuses you received on those Products.
When you or others who were in your Consumer Group at the time of purchase return Products, your Building Bonus will be adjusted as follows:
In addition, when you return Products, your Building Bonus on incomplete Building Blocks will be adjusted.
When someone who was on your Team at the time of purchase returns Products, the Company will recover any Leading Bonus you received on those Products. In addition, when you return Products, your Leading Bonus will be adjusted if the decrease in Sales Volume changes your Leading Bonus calculation for the month you received the Leading Bonus for that Product.
If no Bonus has been paid on returned Products, then no Bonus recovery is necessary. If a Bonus has been paid on Products that are subsequently returned, any positive adjustment will be added to your future Bonuses and the Company will recover any negative adjustments as follows:
If you return Products that you personally purchased, your Bonuses will be adjusted, and any negative adjustment will be recovered as a deduction from your refund.
If someone else in your Consumer Group or Team returns Products that they purchased, your Bonuses will be adjusted, and any negative adjustments will be recovered as a deduction from your future Bonuses.
EXAMPLE: The following illustrates the impact of Commissionable Sales Value on the adjustment of your Building Bonus.
Week 1: You complete 1 Building Block with 500 points of Sales Volume that has Commissionable Sales Value of 500. This Building Block includes 150 points of Sales Volume from Products purchased by a Member in your Consumer Group.
Week 2: You sell Products with 300 points of Sales Volume, but with a lower Commissionable Sales Value of 200. In Week 2, the Member who purchased Products with 150 points of Sales Volume in Week 1 returns all of the Products.
End of Week 2: We recalculate your Week 1 Building Bonus:

Restart is a process that gives former Brand Representatives the opportunity to reclaim their sales network (as if they had not lost Brand Representative status). The following provides additional information regarding the use, benefits and terms of Restart.
If you lose your Brand Representative status and want to begin the Restart process, you must:
The example below illustrates how Restart works for a period of six consecutive months.

*If you complete Qualification in a prior week (Week 1, 2 or 3 of August), then you would advance in August, not September. Likewise, the same promotion process applies if you complete Qualification prior to August.
If you do not finish Restart within this 6-month period, you will permanently lose the chance to reclaim any unused Flex Blocks and your sales network.
When you complete Restart within the required time frame, you:
- Become a Brand Representative again;
- Become eligible to keep the Sharing Bonus on your own purchases;
- Become eligible for the Building Bonus;
- Become eligible for the Leading Bonus (assuming you satisfy the other requirements for the Leading Bonus);
- Reclaim your sales network (as if you had not lost your Brand Representative status) and the Company restores your Brand Representative Date; and
- Receive 3 new Flex Blocks and reclaim any previously unused Flex Blocks.
If a Brand Representative drops to Brand Affiliate within the first three months of advancing to a Brand Representative, any unallotted Flex Blocks will not be automatically allotted once Restart is completed.
When you lose your Brand Representative status, you also lose your Brand Representative Date. When you successfully complete Restart, your original Brand Representative Date is restored.
If you used Executive Re-entry before the launch of Velocity in your market or Restart under Velocity, you will not be eligible to use Restart unless you submit a new Letter of Intent and acquire a new Brand Representative Date. This will result in you forfeiting any claim to Brand Representatives who were promoted prior to your Brand Representative Qualification Date.
If you lose your status as a Brand Representative for a second time, you are not eligible to Restart and will permanently lose your sales network (it moves up a Generation in your upline Brand Representative’s sales network). However, even if Restart is no longer available, you can begin Qualification again at any time and build a new sales network.
As you build and lead your Team as an Executive Brand Director and a Presidential Director, you can qualify for a Business Builder Position (BBP) and a Presidential Director Business Builder Position (Presidential Director BBP). These additional positions are treated as a single account with your Brand Affiliate Account. Please contact your local market for details regarding recognition and trip requirements, which may differ from the requirements of this Plan.
The BBP is a position placed directly below you on your first Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Executive Brand Director.
The Presidential Director BBP is an additional position placed directly below your BBP on your second Generation that is awarded to you after the first month you achieve the Title of Presidential Director.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP are part of your Brand Affiliate Account and may not be sold or transferred separately.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP will not count as G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account.
EXAMPLE: If your Brand Affiliate Account has 6 G1 Brand Representatives and 1 Leadership Team with 20,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, and your BBP has 2 Leadership Teams with 10,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume and 30,000+ Leadership Team Sales Volume, respectively, your Title will be Executive Brand Director.
Your BBP and Presidential Director BBP each have their own Consumer Groups. Eligible Consumer Group Sales Volume from your Brand Affiliate Account, BBP and Presidential Director BBP will count collectively only for maintaining your Brand Representative status, determining your Building Blocks, Building Bonus Percentage and the method for calculating the Leading Bonus.
As an Executive Brand Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six
Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:
As a Presidential Director, you are eligible to earn (a) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Brand Affiliate Account, and (b) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your BBP, and (c) a 5% Leading Bonus on six Generations of Brand Representatives under your Presidential Director BBP. This means that, as shown below, you can earn a Leading Bonus of:
EXAMPLE: If a line of a G1 Brand Representative of your BBP or Presidential Director BBP was automatically moved to your Brand Affiliate Account at the beginning of February based on your January sales performance, then the six-month period runs from February through July. In August, if you have not (1) replaced the required G1 Brand Representatives of your Brand Affiliate Account, and (2) requested that the line be moved back to your BBP or Presidential Director BBP, then the line will permanently remain on the 1st Generation of your Brand Affiliate Account.
A line of a G1 Brand Representative of your Presidential Director BBP cannot be moved by you or the Company to your BBP. However, please contact your Account Manager for important differences on this issue if you qualify for a specific exception to Velocity Title Determination.
As described above, a BBP is placed directly below an eligible Executive Brand Director on their first Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP of an eligible Executive Brand Director will be one Generation lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Executive Brand Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the BBP would be on the third Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its third Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director or Presidential Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.
As described above, a Presidential Director BBP is placed directly below an eligible Presidential Director on their second Generation. Accordingly, as an upline Brand Representative, the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP of an eligible Presidential Director will be two Generations lower in your sales network than the Consumer Group and sales network of such eligible Presidential Director. For example, a Brand Representative on the first Generation of the Presidential Director BBP would be on the fourth Generation of the immediate upline of the eligible Executive Brand Director, and the immediate upline would only be paid a Bonus on this Generation if eligible for a Bonus on its fourth Generation. For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director, but does meet all requirements for the Title of Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the BBP, and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up one Generation in your sales network for that month.
For any month that such Brand Affiliate Account does not meet all requirements for the Title of Presidential Director or Executive Brand Director, including maintaining or holding Brand Representative status, then the Presidential Director BBP will be combined with the Brand Affiliate Account and the Consumer Group and sales network of the Presidential Director BBP will move up two Generations in your sales network for that month.
Unless the Brand Affiliate Account has lost its Brand Representative status and is a Brand Affiliate, for purposes of determining Leadership Teams for you and your upline Brand Representatives in a month, the Brand Affiliate Account’s BBP and Presidential Director BBP remain on its first and second Generations respectively.
CA Sales Compensation Summary (en)
Effective July 23rd 2024
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Table of Contents
2023 Brand Affiliate Compensation in CANADA (all amounts in USD)
Brand Affiliate (Non-Brand Representative) | $ | 33 | 13.75% | n/a |
Qualifying Executive | $ | 131 | .094% | n/a |
Brand Representative | $ | 515 | 3.53% | 54.94% |
Gold Executive | $ | 884 | 1.26% | 19.59% |
Lapis Executive | $ | 1,766 | 0.90% | 14.01% |
Ruby Executive | $ | 2,903 | 0.16% | 2.55% |
Emerald Executive | $ | 4,553 | 0.38% | 5.89% |
Diamond Executive | $ | 7,161 | 0.09% | 1.43% |
Blue Diamond Executive | $ | 22,583 | 0.10% | 1.59% |
CA Website Terms of Use (en)
Effective July 31st 2024
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If you are a Nu Skin Brand Affiliate, you further represent, warrant, and agree that you will comply with the Nu Skin Brand Affiliate Agreement, the Nu Skin Policies and Procedures, the Nu Skin Social Sharing Guidelines, the Nu Skin Product Testimonial Guidelines, the Nu Skin Opportunity Testimonial Guidelines, the Nu Skin Business Advisory, and all other applicable Nu Skin guidelines (collectively, the “Nu Skin Policies and Guidelines”) in using the Nu Skin Services. If you are using the Nu Skin Services on behalf of an entity or organization that is a Nu Skin Brand Affiliate, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such entity or organization to these Terms, in which case these Terms will be between such entity or organization and Nu Skin, and that you have the authority to make all of the representations and warranties contained in these Terms on such entity’s or organization’s behalf, including those set forth in this Section 2.1.
2.2 Account Registration; Account Information. By registering for a Nu Skin account (which may be either a Nu Skin Brand Affiliate account, a Nu Skin Member account, or a Nu Skin customer account), and in consideration for your access to and use of the additional services, features, and functionality that are available to you with such an account, you further represent, warrant, and agree that all information provided by you is accurate and complete, and that you shall maintain and update such information to keep it accurate and complete.
You understand and agree that your password may be used to attribute an electronic record and an electronic signature to you, and that you are solely responsible for keeping your login, password, and any codes related to your use of your Nu Skin account confidential. You agree to immediately notify Nu Skin of any unauthorized use of your password or any other breach of security. You will be solely liable for any claims, damages, losses, costs, or other liabilities resulting from any failure to keep your login, password, or any codes related to your use of your Nu Skin account confidential (whether such failure or any disclosure occurs with or without your knowledge or consent). Without limiting the foregoing, you understand and agree that Nu Skin shall not, in any manner, be responsible or liable for fraudulent purchases that are made using your compromised password.
2.3 Personal Information. When you use the Nu Skin Services or register for or use a Nu Skin account, Nu Skin will collect and process certain personal information about you (“Personal Data”). This may include, but is not limited to, your name, email address, phone number, billing and shipping address, payment information, profile picture, location, usage history and information, purchase history, product interests, images, and any responses you provide to questionnaires. This information will be collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with the Nu Skin Privacy Notice, which is available for your review on the Site, as well as via the link provided at the end of this Section 2.3. The Nu Skin Privacy Notice is incorporated into these Terms by reference. By using the Nu Skin Services, you agree to the collection and use of your Personal Data in accordance with the Nu Skin Privacy Notice.

- You and Nu Skin each acknowledge that these Terms are concluded between you and Nu Skin only, and not with Apple Inc. (“Apple”), and that as between Nu Skin and Apple, Nu Skin and its third-party providers, not Apple, are solely responsible for the Apple-Enabled Software and the content thereof.
- You may not use the Apple-Enabled Software in any manner that is in violation of or inconsistent with the Usage Rules set forth for Apple-Enabled Software in, or otherwise be in conflict with, the App Store Terms of Service.
- Your license to use the Apple-Enabled Software is limited to a non-transferable license to use the Apple-Enabled Software on an iOS product that you own or control, as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the App Store Terms of Service.
- Apple has no obligation whatsoever to provide any maintenance or support services with respect to the Apple-Enabled Software.
- Apple is not responsible for any product warranties, whether express or implied by law. In the event of any failure of the Apple-Enabled Software to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the Apple-Enabled Software to you, if any; and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Apple-Enabled Software, or any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty, which will be the sole responsibility of Nu Skin and its third-party providers, as applicable, to the extent it cannot be disclaimed under applicable law.
- You and Nu Skin each acknowledge that Nu Skin and its third-party providers, as applicable, not Apple, are responsible for addressing any claims of you or any third party relating to the Apple-Enabled Software or your possession and/or use of that Apple-Enabled Software, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Apple-Enabled Software fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.
- In the event of any third-party claim that the Apple-Enabled Software or the end-user’s possession and use of that Apple-Enabled Software infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, as between Nu Skin and Apple, Nu Skin and its third-party providers, as applicable, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement, and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.
- You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
- If you have any questions, complaints or claims with respect to the Apple-Enabled Software, they should be directed to Nu Skin as follows:
You and Nu Skin each acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms with respect to the Apple-Enabled Software, and that, upon your acceptance of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce these Terms against you with respect to the Apple-Enabled Software as a third-party beneficiary thereof.
- an electronic or physical signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright allegedly infringed;
- a description of the copyrighted work you claim has been infringed, including a copy of the copyrighted work or the web page address where the copyrighted work may be found;
- identification of the location in the Nu Skin Services of the material you claim has been infringed, or the link or reference to another website that contains the material you claim has been infringed;
- your name, address, telephone number, and email address;
- a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the material at issue is not authorized by the copyright owner, the agent of the copyright owner, or the law; and
- a statement by you, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that you are the copyright owner of the material allegedly infringed or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
(801) 345-3524
CA Policies & Procedures (fr)
Effective January 9th 2025
DownloadTable of Contents
3 Gestion de votre compte d’Affilié de la marque
4 Transfert et résiliation de votre compte d’affilié de la marque
2 Entrepreneur indépendant
3 Commande de produits ou de services
4 Remboursements et échanges de produits
5 Ventes au détail et retours clients
6 Plan de rémunération aux ventes
7 Réclamations et indemnisation en matière de responsabilité du produit
8 Taxe de vente
9 Association d’autres organisations à la Société
3 Demandes de revenus
2 clauses restrictives
4 Médiation
5 Demande d'arbitrage
6 Procédure d’arbitrage
7 Réclamations de tiers
Chapitre 8 | Conditions générales
Chapitre 1 | Votre Statut D’affilié De La Marque
- votre statut d’Affilié de la marque est considéré comme un deuxième compte distinct du compte de votre parent ou tuteur légal;
- votre parent ou tuteur légal doit être votre parrain; et
- votre parent ou tuteur légal ne peut avoir aucun intérêt bénéficiaire dans votre contrat d’affiliation.
Si vous avez déjà atteint le niveau Représentant de la marque (BR) ou supérieur | 12 mois |
Affilié de la marque seulement | 6 mois |
Chapitre 2 | Exploitation De Votre Entreprise
- Vous devez vous conformer au Contrat et à la loi applicable.
- Vous devez exploiter votre concession en toute honnêteté.
- Vous devez indiquer aux clients potentiels et aux Affiliés de la marque qui vous êtes, pourquoi vous les avez contactés et quels produits vous vendez.
- Vous ne devez pas faire de déclarations fausses ou trompeuses au sujet des gains potentiels dans le cadre du programme de rémunération aux ventes ou des avantages liés à l’utilisation des produits de la Société.
- Vous ne devez pas faire pression sur les Affiliés de la marque ou les Affiliés de la marque potentiels pour qu’ils exercent leurs activités d’une manière financièrement irresponsable, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, pour qu’ils achètent plus de produits ou de matériel et de services de soutien à l’entreprise qu’ils ne peuvent raisonnablement utiliser ou vendre, ou pour maintenir des besoins précis en matière d’inventaire.
- Vous ne devez pas encourager ou recommander aux Affiliés de la marque ou aux potentiels Affiliés de la marque de contracter des dettes pour mener leurs activités.
- Vous devez expliquer comment retourner des produits ou annuler une commande.
- Vous ne devez pas faire comprendre aux Affiliés de la marque potentiels qu’ils sont tenus d’acheter des produits ou des ensembles de produits pour devenir des Affiliés de la marque ou des cadres supérieurs. Les Affiliés de la marque potentiels doivent être informés de la possibilité de s’inscrire en tant que clients ou d’acheter les produits à l’unité et non par ensemble.
- La société;
- Ses produits ou ses activités commerciales;
- Les autres personnes;
- D’autres entreprises (y compris des concurrents); ou
- Les produits, services ou activités commerciales d’autres entreprises.
- enregistrer ou réserver des noms d’entreprise, des marques de commerce, des noms commerciaux ou des produits;
- enregistrer les adresses URL en utilisant les noms de l’entreprise, les marques de commerce ou les noms commerciaux;
- enregistrer ou obtenir l’approbation des produits ou des pratiques commerciales;
- établir des contacts commerciaux ou gouvernementaux de quelque nature que ce soit au nom de la Société.
- Vous devez indemniser la Société pour tous les coûts et honoraires d’avocat engagés par la Société pour toute mesure corrective nécessaire pour exonérer la Société si vous agissez de façon inappropriée au nom de la Société. Vous devez immédiatement céder à la Société tout enregistrement de noms de la Société, de marque de commerce, de noms commerciaux, de produits ou d’adresses URL enregistrés ou réservés en violation de la présente section sans que la Société ne rembourse les frais que vous avez engagés.